You Build the Character #1: Chewbacca

By awayputurwpn, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

The request was to build Chewbacca "at any time" and let's be honest, there was absolutely nothing epic about him in a New Hope...

A case could be made for nearly all the heroes, as of "A New Hope", being less than epic.

Even eternal fan-favorite Han gets by more on luck, charm and boasting than anything and Jedi knight and General of the Republic Obi-Wan Kenobi is low on mojo.

What made them great, at this stage, was "how they were played" rather than "what they could do".

I tend to think that Chewbacca is an epic level character yet everyone is building him as a starting character.

I agree, he should be statted a lot higher like Lando Calrissean was in The Jewel of Yavin . I didn't read the original post close enough and thought my Chewbacca build could only use the basic starting XP or I would have done it a little differently.

My idea was to build Chewbacca as a regular player can do on a Saturday night RPG when his buddy gamemaster says: “let’s play a new game….”. I could have build Chewbacca as a veteran of the Clone Wars, then fugitive of the Empire and first mate of the Millenium Falcon and later a freedom fighter of the Rebellion. I also could be meaner and describe Chewie as follow:

  • Chewbacca, during the Clone Wars : stand next to Yoda.
  • Chewbacca, first mate of the Millenium Falcon : stand next to Han Solo.

But its mean, we all love the mighty Chewbacca. Don’t we?

Yeah, to echo what others are saying: I think if you really studied Chewie's background in the Legends stuff and accounted for everything he did in any novel or comic or video game, you'd get to the epic-level character people have mentioned. But if all you're considering is what we see in the three films, you get a much more mortal mate.

This illustrates the advantage to the "Legends" banner, in my opinion.

I can see the characters we have in the films hearing about their EU exploits and feeling bemused.

I can clearly imagine Han even going with it ("You heard I did what? Oh, yeah, sure... That was me. How much are my, um, heroics worth to you?") while Chewie just shakes his head in the background.

Just over 50 hours til the competition closes...

Get your builds in while you can!

Just two more hours to post, or edit, your entries!

Once entries close at 11:59pm PST, voting will commence!

Building is not closed.

And voting is now open! Please cast your votes now, and show some love to these great builds! The winner will be decided by popular vote come December 1st!

1. Please only vote for one entry.

2. Contestants are encouraged to vote for themselves or for others.

And the contestants are:

Ali Mesratep with Chewbacca circa 1977

DanteRotterdam with Chewbacca as seen in A New Hope

DeadBothanSpy with Chewbacca circa Star Wars, 1977

SavageBob with Chewbacca (circa 0 BBY)

quicksabre with Chewbacca, ANH

Well I think DanteRotterdam's build is by far the better one... That guy is a genius.

DanteRotterdam's build probably is closest to my idea of Chewbacca (from ANH)

My vote's for quicksabre. Ali's a close second for sheer style points.

I'm going to vote for SavageBob. I like the Explorer build for Chewbacca in A New Hope, and this build is feasible and quite well-rounded with potential for growth.

DanteRotterdam's build was a close second, because I liked the inclusion of the Enforcer, as it reflects Chewbacca's background as a Clone Wars Veteran with a life on the run. Also he is dead right that 'Loom' is perfect for Chewbacca. I finally decided against, though, it because none of this backstory is explicitly called out either in A New Hope (which the build is supposed to represent), or in the build itself.

Ali Mesratep had awesome style in his post but the build doesn't quite work for me.

Thanks for voting so far! Just over 4 days left before the votes are tallied and the winner determined.

Edited by awayputurwpn

Just an hour and a half to go for voting! Cast 'em while you can.

And the winner is....

DanteRotterdam with Chewbacca as seen in A New Hope !

The build is below, and will be posted in the YBtC Hall of Fame for posterity.

Congrats Dante, and thanks to everyone who participated!

Chewbacca as seen in A New Hope

Chewbacca in my build is a mechanic, who also went into the enforcer tree in order to add to his street smarts as well as the menacing qualities he brings to the table.
Talk the Talk as well as Loom seem to be natural choices for him.
The character here is based upon a mechanic that has been around the block a few times already (as Chewie seems to be when we first meet him) but is not an expert in any way, shape or form. He is well versed in what happens in the Outer Rim as well as the underworld.

While making this character I thought of some iconic Chewbaca moments from the movies but also wanted to incorporate some of the stuff we could easily forget:

  • It is Chewie that is Obi-Wan’s contact in Mos Eisly
  • Chewie has been used as a threatening presence in negotiations
  • Chewie is a mechanic but he is not a prodigy. He fails to repair the Falcon on two occasions without outside help
Br 3 • Agi 3 • Int 2 • Cun 2 • Wil 2 • Pre 2
Soak Value 3 • Wound Threshold 17 • Strain Threshold 9 • Defense 0

Obligation: Life debt to Han Solo
Skills: Brawl 2, Astrogation, Mechanics 2, Knowledge Outer Rim, Coordination, Piloting Space, Athletics, Ranged Light 2

Solid repairs 2, Gearhead, Toughened 2, Enduring, Grit, Street smarts, Talk the Talk, Loom

Abilities: Wookie Rage

Equipment: Bowcaster, Bandolier, Toolkit

Keep your eyes peeled for the next round of You Build the Character, coming soon!

Edited by awayputurwpn


I hope this thing will grow to be more popular over its next installments.

At least, I had fun with it!