So i was thinking (i do it a lot ,sometimes hurts) about how to give players more options to be special commando unit while not giving them too much freedom and turning game into dark heresy. Right now i think that we got little bored with recon that, kill this, sabotage there in ork infested planet. So i had this idea about players now veterans after two tours of duty gonna get chosen by inquisitor for a special task unit. While still officialy part of the guard they gonna do top secret missions by the order of inquisition. I created new regiment with backstory and some ploot hooks. Maybe you can give me some opinions how does this look. For starters the regiment.
Name: Gladius Veritatis
Hoimeworld: Varies. Recruits come from all types of worlds.
Military Specialty: Special operations ,highly classified
Order of Battle: About ++Redacted by order of Inquisition++ soldiers plus support personel operating in cells counting ++Redacted by order of Inquisition++ people. Most cells operate independently having minimum contact with each other. Whole regiment was deployed once due to major chaos incursion. Each cell have their own commanding officer who gets orders directly from Colonel or Inquisitor
Commanding officer: Techincally Colonel Artus Valenfor but he does not have any real power since he is just a mouthpiece for the inquisitor. He is tasked mostly with logistics and communication. Each cell have their own CO (mostly lieutenant)
Description : Gladius Veritatis was created by Inquisitor ++Redacted by the order of of Inquisition++ in 794.M41. Most of the currently serving soldier are veterans who had showed great willpower and combat prowess. Fought xenos, chaos and survived. There are also inquisition storm troopers serving in some of the cells but current troop numbers and their assigments are unknown. Each cell is independent and carry their task without imperial guard or inquisition support. Because of that their equipment varies in each cell. They have to secure assets on the ground or wait for supplies which is rare due to travel lag.
As for plot hooks i thought something like planetary invasion but on much less scale.
The regiment must land on some major hive world where a little rebelion is going one (some workers or slaves rebeled in mines/manufactorium etc.), find their contact, establish a safehouse, then raid on some gang controlled warehouse to secure equipment for later missions then wait for orders/investigate. Inquisitor sent them there because he suspect that this little rebelion is cover up for something far sinister.
I didn't want it too much dark heresy style since i want to keep it military on some level. And i wanted it to be fluff compatible as much as possible.
What are your opinions guys and girls?