Throne Gelt in DH2

By Grogmonster, in Dark Heresy House Rules

So the Availability and Influence system and has caused some in my group a problem that certain characters can't get access to some very basic gear (ammo, grenades, etc) where other characters that have invested heavily into commerce, intelligence and a high starting influence have no problem getting such stuff and can even get some of the higher level items, when some of the characters that need items that others cannot get they turn to the guy with the commerce skill creating a reliance in my group on him. My Gm and some of the group have been tinkling with the idea of putting back throne gelt from DH1 and introducing a universal pay system where everybody is payed a base of 130 gelt +15 for every 500 Xp. which then they use this gelt to buy stuff from the DH2 and find equivalents in the DH1 book. I have a few problems with this in the form that my character (aka Santa Claus) can't quite acquire things he could before. An example of this is in play using the DH2 rules I can get a bionic arm at a +10(replace the weak flesh pg 52, 42 inf) and use my commerce skill (+20, 50 int) to get some modifiers on to this roll I get an average of 3 success on this roll giving me a 82 or lower to get the item. where with the new system a Bionic arm costs 1000 Gelt and my characters pay mouthy is 285 gelt taking about 4 mouths for my character to get that item. I kinda feel that my character finds it longer to get such items but my group members find it easier to get their ammo. I wanted to get some feedback from this forum to get around the problem of the other characters of not getting their bare necessities and my character needing to wait mouths for an item which in DH isn't going to happen. I've got the thought of just not tracking ammo and say that once the clip is empty you just have a new one in your pack and all you have to do is reload and that after an encounter that its no problem for them to find a few grenades and not count the gelt and just stick to the availability and influence when trying to get rare items.

Bare necessities are provided by the inquisitor. Throne gelt is used to buy things like a playstation or stuff beyond the mission minimum in our group.

Why don't just let the high Intelligence/Influence/Commerce characters get the stuff for their less fortunate comrades too?