Rebel Heroe Previews and Supply Cards

By Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

Wookie Smash!

Er ... You can't correct the spelling of your thread titles I see.

The DXR 6 Disruptor riffle with +6 Accuracy.

The DXR 6 Disruptor riffle with +6 Accuracy.

WOW! Two red attack dice, with a guaranteed range/accuracy of 6. That's pretty sweet. Its two surge abilities are also very strong, potentially increasing the damage taken by 4. I like it a lot! It costs 1000 credits, though, so I imagine that it'll be something that players don't have access to until later.

Heres the stats for it

Average damage: 4.333 (2-6)

Average surge: .3333 (0-2)
You also only have a 1 in 36 chance of getting both surge

Edited by Torresse

WOW imagine that it'll be something that players don't have access to until later.

From the cold* dead hands of a Trandoshan slaver no doubt.

*They are cold blooded even when alive.