Rotation Cycle

By player1889602, in Living Card Games

Just wanted to express my thoughts on the Rotation Cycle for the LCG formats. First, I love the LCG format and how it is presented. I like knowing what I'm getting and knowing that it will be competative. My game of Choice in Android Netrunner. I don't like the idea though that the thought that some cards I use now will no longer be allowed or used in the future. Decks have been established and some of those cards are vital to those decks' success. I fully understand that as more cards and packs come out, the individual games could become watered down. I'm a completist and likes to have complete sets of everything I buy. Coming in new to a game and knowing some cards have been rotated out, it would constantly bother me not having those cards. (It's a sickness, I know.) I much preferr what has been done with Call of Cthulhu where only deluxe expansions are being produced less frequently or the Warhammer Invasion idea where the game has enough with it now and is considered to stand on it's own without any further expansions. That makes the game even more appealing to me because now I have a goal to shoot for. There are a certain number of expansions and there is a definite time when you can say, "I have everything for this game, a complete set." I would like to see this done with Android Netrunner, Star Wars and the other LCG's. In my opinion, knowing a collection will come to an ending has definite appeal to a completist like me and may encourage me to start purchasing a new series know I will eventually complete the set and not have cards rotate out of use. This is just my opinion and I hope it doesn't provoke any hate messages or unnecessary spamming from the Fantasy Flight Community.

So I'm a big fan of Fantasy Flight Games. They make my favorite tabletop games. I don't keep up with all of them due to time and money restraints. Star Wars LCG is my favorite game ever. When the rotation was announced, I was interested to read what was said. After reading the article it makes a lot of sense to keep the card pool from becoming too large, tournament-wise. As far as casual play, there aren't really any restrictions because it's casual, so no worries there. Now normally I am the first to say rotation is just an excuse to keep you buying more product but with this I feel differently. Core Sets and Deluxe boxes will always be in rotation. Cycles of cards will stay in rotation for around 4 years at a time. That is quite a long time to keep them in rotation so I feel less like I have been swindled.

Now I used to play Heroclix. Admittedly I went overboard trying to collect figures for that game. I regret that decision. I started in 2012 and by June of this year most of the sets I owned were rotated out (they weren't very old sets either, maybe a couple years). I was pretty upset about that, though it really didn't matter as much once I stopped playing in tournaments.

What I find that differs FFG's games to something more on the Collectible side is the distribution model. No rarity, you pay the same amount for the same cards like everyone else. Rather than buying tons of product just to get that 1 rare piece, I can pay $15 and get the same Force pack as everyone else. When the sets are cycled out, it just gives me a reason to build new decks and I don't have some $40 rare card that suddenly drops in price. I can even see "for fun" tournaments being held with open access to all cycles or even themed nights where you play decks with a certain theme or Cycle in mind.

TL;DR I think the rotation will be a good thing.

Remember when everybody was saying "I love LCGs. You know what would make them even better, though? If the cards had an expiration date!"

Me either.

Remember when everybody was saying "I love LCGs. You know what would make them even better, though? If the cards had an expiration date!"

Me either.

Remember when people wrote comments on forums that weren't purely sarcasm and actually had something to add to the current conversation?

Remember when everybody was saying "I love LCGs. You know what would make them even better, though? If the cards had an expiration date!"

Me either.

Remember when people wrote comments on forums that weren't purely sarcasm and actually had something to add to the current conversation?

Remember when we all played collectible games, and how sad we were when a block rotated out, and all our previously valuable cards would suddenly vanish into thin air?

Me either.

Remember when everybody was saying "I love LCGs. You know what would make them even better, though? If the cards had an expiration date!"

Me either.

I'm not sure who you've been talking to, but a lot of people have said that LCG's need a rotation. Now they have one, based on my experience with AGoT LCG, it's a good thing too.