Does First Player ever change?

By EnjoyRC, in Star Wars: Empire vs. Rebellion


Page 4: Mentions starting with the Rebel Player...


Page 6: Set the Balance Token randomly (we used this to indicate first player for the first round)


Page 8: Does not mention who goes first or how first player is determined.

Page 10: Does not mention who goes first in the Struggle Phase.

Page 13: Does not mention who goes first after the Cleanup Phase.

Any ideas?

Edited by EnjoyRC

Under cleanup on page 13 it mentions flipping the balance token to the player with the fewest victory points.

Set the balance token so the faction with
the fewest total victory points is faceup.
If the players have the same total victory
points, set the balance token so the faction
that lost the event this round is faceup.

Page 10 says that the balance token indicates which player goes first.

The faceup side of the balance token
indicates which player goes first.

Under cleanup on page 13 it mentions flipping the balance token to the player with the fewest victory points.

Set the balance token so the faction with
the fewest total victory points is faceup.
If the players have the same total victory
points, set the balance token so the faction
that lost the event this round is faceup.

Page 10 says that the balance token indicates which player goes first.

The faceup side of the balance token
indicates which player goes first.

Now I see that.. thank you so much.. fortunately, that's how we were playing. So it was intuitive. :)