My Dark Lords, Ladies and Imperial Gentlemen, Rejoice!

By Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

Uhmm maybe next year at some point we'll see a large "Force Awakens" expansion pack.

Not right away I would guess, there are still years of characters, story arcs and game play in this era to explore.

I would be interested in how much sequel information Fantasy Flight is privy to prior to the movie release.

In comparison Games Workshop who made the official tabletop miniatures games for The Lord of the Rings series had years to develop their product line so they would have release dates the same time as the movie releases [which happened to be the lead up to the Holidays].

Which means Games Workshop executives, game designers, artists and sculptors all got to see characters ranging from Legolas to the Balrog way ahead of the movie going public. That includes the pertinent knowledge of abilities and "game lore" attributed to those characters.

[ In other words I plan to find Mr. Anton Torres get him drunk at Gencon and see if he will spill some beans.] :D

Edited by Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun

I'm sure FFG can get a couple large expansions and a bunch of character packs before the end of next year. Then they can change to the new stuff and swap back and forth.

What do I hope to see in the next Star Wars movie?


Do you know how people say that this "great movie" or that "other great movie" is the Star Wars of this current generation.

Well how about we have a Star Wars the IS The Star Wars of this generation, or any generation for that matter.

I want the silver screen to have all the elements that made my 7 year old self eyes go wide and mouth drop. I want Star Wars VII to bring back my sheer love and utter awe of Star Wars. I want the orchestra to play long and the audience to cheer wild.
I want my villains properly British and my scoundrels with a heart of gold always shoot first. I want to go back to the theater and be transported to a long time ago, in the galaxy far, far away, and meet my 7 year old self again, buy him some popcorn and we have the time of our lives. 

I just want my childhood back for a couple of hours.


Now you kids get off my lawn!

Meanwhile back on Earth

Edited by Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun

CAN NOT WAIT!!! The wife and I are debating driving the hour and half to Houston to see it.

Its already been leaked, I however am going to try as hard as I can to avoid every preview and trailer possible (its already hard getting on Facebook)

Its already been leaked, I however am going to try as hard as I can to avoid every preview and trailer possible (its already hard getting on Facebook)

Only trailer that's been out is a fan made one. Real thing is, so far at least, not out anywhere.

Good news is that they will be posting the trailer online on Friday in addition to it being shown at the handful of theaters over the weekend. Link

What do I hope to see in the next Star Wars movie?


Do you know how people say that "this movie" or "that movie" is the Star Wars of this generation.

Well how about we have a Star Wars the IS The Star Wars of this generation. For any generation while we are at it.

I want the silver screen to have all the elements that made my 7 year old self eyes go wide and mouth drop. I want Star Wars VII to bring back my sheer love and utter awe of Star Wars. I want the orchestra to play long and the audience to cheer wild. I want my villains properly British and my scoundrels with a heart of gold always shoot first. I want to go back and be transported to a long time ago, in the galaxy far, far away, and meet my 7 year old self again and we have the time of our lives. 

I just want my childhood back for a couple of hours.

Now you kids get off my lawn!

After a great long while we have

After a great long while we have

And just like that,


Some cool things to note.

In The Force Awakens trailer, the speeder sequence featuring actress Daisy Ridley [Kira], a closeup shot of her at the controls includes what looks like a weapon, with a lightsaber- style handle, strapped to the side.

Is Daisy Ridley's [Kira] character Princess Leia and Han Solo's daughter?

Difficult to say, though there is a clear similarity between the shot used in the trailer, in which Ridley's character mounts a speeder bike, and the sequence in Return of the Jedi in which Princess Leia does the same. The style of Ridley's clothing is even reminiscent, which cannot be coincidence.

"Is the desert planet Tattooine?"

That seems almost certain, there are few planets more Iconic to Star Wars than Tattooine. Further in the trailer we see in the distance what appears to be moisture vaporators, the principal tool of water farming, one of Tattooine's major industries, and what look to be burned-out pod engines, a mainstay of Tattooine's pod-racing industry.

"Who is the narrator of the trailer?"

There are some camps saying it's Andy Serkis.

"Did that sound like an Imperial probe droid?" Hmm. Possible.

"What are the symbols on the X-Wing pilot's cockpit harness?"

It's "Pull to inflate," in Aurebesh .

Is that a 'new' Millennium Falcon ?

There is only one Millennium Falcon . Though there is a noticeable change to its exterior - the old circular sensor dish on the ship's roof is gone, replaced with a rectangular one, which suggests that there have been some improvements. (Small historical note: the original dish was damaged in Return of the Jedi .) The ship, a modified YT-1300 light freighter, appeared in the original trilogy films and was glimpsed in the prequel Revenge of the Sith .


The voice over in the teaser is confirmed to be by Andy Serkis.

The lightsaber sound in the trailer is revealed to be Anakin's/Luke's lightsaber from A New Hope .

Edited by Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun