
By mekros41, in Warhammer: Diskwars

Does anyone have a good build for the Lizardmen they would like to share? I have been messing around with the build on Snipertroll. Lots mot mobile. It is fun, though does struggle against some really tight armies. What are you doing with Lizardmen?

Waiting for another expansion to round them out... ;)

Sorry, couldn't help it. I haven't used my Lizardmen yet. Too engrossed in the Vampire Counts... Not that I have much luck with them, but I love them too much to give up on them.

I'd think they'd combine well with a High Elf army myself.

Sorry, no idea here either. I do not play Lizardmen, and no one in my group uses them, either.

But I think Mecha is right, all the 1-regiment factions will show their true potency when they are fleshed out in future expansions.

Maybe I will use some time this weekend and look through the order-faction disks. If I get a idea for using them I will share it here.

Edited by Katsuyori

There's a guy on BGG, Velensk. He swears by the Lizardmen, I think his argument is that with Leaping Strike and all that mobile they are very offensive and thus complement ranged Order regiments well.

I'm still really meh on mixed regiments overall, I just think you lose so much synergy. I've tried a build or two with Lizardmen with middling success, but I think they'll fair best when they are their own developed faction.

Yeah, lizardmen haven't done that exceptional for me, though they always have performed a bit better than I anticipated. I eagerly await an expansion, as others have said.

Wood elves, on the other hand, have been a bit more successful as a regiment in my experience. I like to splash them in with high elves, where they have done some serious work for me; wardancers are just crazy-good in my opinion.

I'm still really meh on mixed regiments overall, I just think you lose so much synergy.

Generally true, but it's not too bad when allying with Empire. Imagine how potent Salamanders can be when you use Franz to double-activate them.

That's true, I think the mixed regiments just don't really fit my playstyle all that well, I really like to get double mileage out of my command cards (this is why I like the Vampire Counts even though I still haven't really got a successful build rolling).