Rules Questions

By vaxtang, in Warhammer: Diskwars

Hey all;

I'm new to the game and have a couple of questions:

1. Does a ranged attack do its damage for each applicable skull rolled? (e.g. A strength 3 ranged attack that rolls 2 skulls does 6 damage?)

2. Is there any advantage to stacking your own disks? (They can't activate together can they?)

2b. If not, then I assume you have to move the top disk off first for ease of movement?



Welcome! It's a great game, hope you like it as much as I do!

1. Yes. Ranged, when it hits, can be just disgusting. When it misses, well...

2. Not really, although it can be a disadvantage - since the disks underneath are pinned until the top disks moved off, if the top disk gets activated, say by a siege attack, you can't move the disks under it.

2b. Yes, but also because of the pinned effect, you must move him off, the other disks cannot move until he's off.

Thanks for the answers!

2. Not really, although it can be a disadvantage - since the disks underneath are pinned until the top disks moved off, if the top disk gets activated, say by a siege attack, you can't move the disks under it.

--So why do you think the rulebook show them deploying on top of each other? Seems odd...

Ahhh, it's because of the deployment zone sizes and rules. It's pretty much impossible to deploy in a zone without putting at least one disk on top of another since you have to stay completely within the zone (with 1 or 2 exceptions).

Thanks; just tried my first game...which brought up some more questions:

1. Can you target a disk (ranged or magic) that is pinning another but is not itself pinned?

2. It says that you can target a disk you pin; does that mean you can't otherwise target a pinned disk?

Thanks again,


1. Yes, but it's important to keep in mind that scatter results (ranged) will be allocated to disks in the scrum, so for example, if you have a unit of Boyz pinned by a men at arms and you shoot at the men at arms, the scatter will go to the boyz.

2. No, you can pretty much always target a pinned disk as long as you have line of sight.

Hope your game went well!

Edited by dkartzinel

Actually pinning your own disks can have strategic importance. If you see a unit of Boarboyz or another Impact unit rushing your more vulnerable caster or hero, you can overlap your own disk so the Impact will hit them instead. and assuming it doesn't kill said disk outright, you can then pile on top of the pinning disk, and either wound or kill it before any attack either might get to your pinned hero or caster, or the disk on top of them that is protecting them. Likewise, if memory serves, there is a Dwarf command card that lets you activate while pinned, which you can use to keep cannons or other important units safe from initial charges.

Of course, that does leave you open to threats such as Sun Dragons, or ranged units who can scatter and hit the second target and still benefit.

Thanks; just tried my first game...which brought up some more questions:

1. Can you target a disk (ranged or magic) that is pinning another but is not itself pinned?

2. It says that you can target a disk you pin; does that mean you can't otherwise target a pinned disk?

Thanks again,


2. You are right, stating that you can target a disk that you are pinning is unnecessary and it can become confusing as happened to you. I think the reason it is there is because in the original Diskwars, a disk that was pinning could not use ranged attack at all.