Skirmish rules & Classes

By Madmartigan, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

The Imperial Assault skirmish game relies on specific skirmish draft cards for each unit. It seems that the current state of Descent does not allow this, because the use of classes is not restrictive enough to be able to apply consistent army point costs to each hero unit.

The only way Skirmish could be brought to Descent, it seems, is if new permanent and consistent skirmish draft cards are produced for each unit in the game. But maybe FF could do this through POD?


Dont we have this in the form of epic play for one off scenario's?

Descent dosent have the mechanic to make this work in the box as you note and i cant see POD being successful given the potentially huge collection that it would have to represent (i would argue you would need the whole of the 2ED range AND the conversion kit doing).