Only War plot hooks

By felismachina, in Only War

So after seeing similar topics on DW and DH forum where people post plot hooks for stand alone scenarios i thought it's time to have something like this in OW forum.

A place when people can write their ideas, adventures they have and some interesting plot hooks. Currently i am at work but later i will post some of my ideas. Feel free to post something in meantime

Man, I get so many ideas that I'll never have time for. I'll take a look in after work.

Great idea! But maybe this thread should be in the GM-section.

I have so many ideas. Let me know if you're reposting in the GM section. If not, I'm using this!

A penal legion has heard of a way to get their hands on something: this can be something as simple as valuable items they can take with them and use as barter, or a shuttle craft that can take them to a neighbouring world where they hope they can hide from the imperium.

The squad is fighting a trench war, when they charge across no mans land their vision becomes obscured by dense fog: you can't tell friend from foe, if you don't use call signs your squad mates end up shooting you, if you DO use them then the enemy will know you are imperial and shoot you.

The squad encounters another group of friendly guardsmen while they were told they were the only regiment operating on this world. The strangers have already killed several of the squads enemies... but can they truly be trusted?

The squad is about to be overwhelmed: suddenly they receive unexpected aid from a squad of spectral guardsmen with eyes of balefire. Together they push back the enemy but when the fighting is over the mysterious strangers have vanished. The only identification they could see was a patch on a guardsmans sleeve, it read: Monsian XIV-XVIII "The Angels".

I will use this topic so here some ideas.

Investigation type adventure. While squad are in transit or stationed on some imperial base, camp or something like this. One of guardsman is found dead, he looks like he died of heart attack and his face looks like he was terrified. Players are task to found the murderer. There are not much leads, nobody seen or heard anything. After a day or two of fruitless searching another guardsman dies in similar manner. Players will found out they both served in the same squad with few other guardsmans. They can ambush the murderer by protecting other squad members or go look for more clues. Both of this task will be hard since nobody want protection and they are met with wall of silence when asked why someone would target them.

The backstory of this is that whole squad was on a recon mission in nearby settlement when they found two young girls like 15-16 years old. They raped them and killed one (they thought both had died). Surviving sister wanted to take revenge so she sneaked into base/ etc and started to kill them one by one. The important thing is that the girl is unsanctioned psyker and she kills with her powers so victims die from horror visions. How the players will react? Will they expose the guardsmans? Leave the matter thinking it's justice, kill the witch or turn her over to inquisition? If players are type of players that follow orders and outcome is known from the start GM can change that girl is astropath and only her sister was killed.

(Starting point mission.I'll post more as my hyperactive mind generates them)

You and the squad are part of a multi-regiment effort to alleviate a world from the tyranny of the Severan Dominate (or generic non-chaos anti-imperials.). You had been solidly informed by your commanders that the world would be a total pushover, barely even worth the ammunition. And yet here you are, weeks later, crouched in a shattered building in a city that has become known as the Grinder due to the lives it's claimed, on both sides, for almost no gain. New forces keep being brought in, to no avail. Truth be told, it's the reinforcements that suffer most. You either learn or die young in the grinder. Then command brings in yet more forces, and you and the remnants of your company are given the 'honour' of being vanguard in an assault through the city to claim ground. Expect room-to-room, house-to-house and street for street fighting mostly close up or hand-to-hand.

This was a direction my Deathwatch game was going before it stalled out into nothingness. It is vague enough that I believe it to be workable into any setting, so it should be fine for OW. Most likely it would be better worked into a larger campaign to reclaim a planet than a stand alone mission.

The Regiment has just been sent to a planet in need of cleansing from *Insert Enemy Here* (I used Orks and Chaos). The first order of business is to locate and rescue a lone Spec Ops agent tasked with making local contacts and gathering intel. The second is to travel to two Communications Relay Towers that have gone offline, preventing any planet-to-orbit communications.

PCs meet at a commune type place to find that it has recently been under serious attack from Orks. Following the trail (PER tests or survival should indicate the direction the survivors went post battle), the PCs are led into a thick lush forest (inset random encounter here. I used modified Rad Spiders that came down on the Ork Roks with an Ork handler). After that, they come upon an Ork encampment. The agent is being held here but they dont know that yet. In the center of the camp, the Orks have the remnants of the Commune and are making them fight against a Nob to the death one by one. It is on the PCs how to proceed. In the base they will find random usable loot as well as a very curious body of a Skiitarii tech priest (tech use tests can get into his memory chip to find out the last things he saw before dying - basically the other enemy force. He was left to die when the Orks found his body and dragged him back to camp to play with).

Once they retrieve the agent and/or the townspeople, they head back to the commune and get the story. The agent had embedded with these loyal citizens and was gathering intel when the settlement was hit by orks. The agent refuses to leave with the team to the Comms towers and will insist on staying and helping reinforce the settlement. If the PCs poke around the settlement, they will find a Tech Priest hard at work in the garage getting *vehicle* operational. If pressed, he will admit he was part of a secret Enginseer contingent sent to the planet to ensure the Communications Relays are not tampered with. Three enginseers were sent with 6 skiitarii as bodyguards. He is alone, so the players can infer what they want from that.

Moving on to the Comms towers. One is on the coast, the other in the mountains. They are roughly equidistant from the commune in opposite directions. Both of them have heavy enemy resistance on the approach with at least a couple elite enemies (I used chaos militia and chaos astartes in the DW game). Turning the Comms relays back on is easy enough with a routine tech use test - failure of 4 DoF or more usually results in bad things happening. While 4 DoS is usually really good.

If the players try to psychically contact stuff while on the planet, then add a bit of flair by having the Comms Towers also be under a chaos ritual involving a beating heart at the top of the tower psychically blocking out any telepathic attempts at Comms.

So, this is as far as we got before the game stopped, sadly. There was also a huge mining operation north of the Commune that had gone dark as well. My plans were to eventually have the PCs get there and uncover a Chaos led takeover of the site - what they were looking for being anyones guess. Then the Tech Priest would reveal either willingly or not that the Commune sat on top of an ancient Martian Bunker. The Purpose of the Bunker being to protect the location of an ancient Imperial Knight Walker holding facility somewhere on the planet. That is what Chaos was digging for. Eventually the Orks would accidentally stumble upon it in their base and it would culminate with a three way battle between the Imperials, Chaos and Orks all going to town on one another to secure the ancient war machines.