Mission decks?

By Jonnyb815, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

So you have to put in every single Mission card you own into your deck? What if you just own Core and just the rebels?

Not sure I like that you have to carry all the maps with you and that your Mission deck could grow really big.

I am correct?

Just seems silly. I like the idea of Mission deck/Cards its kind of like Gambit for the Star wars Minis game but changes every game.

Edited by Jonnyb815

No, you don't use every single Mission Card.

You use:

Only the red ones that correspond to the heroes you've picked.

4 green ones that the heroes choose.

4 random grey ones.

That's it.

No, you don't use every single Mission Card.

You use:

Only the red ones that correspond to the heroes you've picked.

4 green ones that the heroes choose.

4 random grey ones.

That's it.

You're talking about the side missions for the campaign. Johnnyb was talking about for the skirmish game. From the rules:

Building a Skirmish Mission Deck
During game setup, the player with initiative shuffles his Skirmish
deck and draws one card to determine the mission to be played.
A player’s Skirmish deck consists of one copy of each Skirmish
Mission card he owns. Players cannot customize the cards in their
Skirmish decks.
[italics added for emphasis]
I agree that it seems kind of silly. It also seems unenforceable. If a player's squad works well with certain missions but not others, what will stop him or her from only bringing the beneficial mission cards to the tournament? Is somebody going to check their collection to verify? And even if you try that, there's always the excuse of "I lost those other missions," or "I don't own those missions, I'm just borrowing these command cards from a friend."
I suspect that when the game picks up and there are many more expansions available, this rule will change to be "Each player must bring a mission deck composed of X skirmish missions of their choice," where X is something like 10.

Ah, ok, I understand now.

And I completely agree. It's unenforceable, and frankly, adding in some deck building to help get a mission that works for your team would just add more strategy to the game.

I'm sure that the rules for tournament play will be different. For casual skirmish play, it's unenforceable, but it also doesn't matter much.

The more I have thought about it. It keeps the games fresh and no game will be the same and you have to build for everything which is good . I just don't like the idea of having to carry all my maps and mission cards around. Also feel the more the game evolves too many missions could make the game too random in time if you pick one from 200 etc.