After getting lost on the Aliens wiki the other day (shortly after googling, "If Hudson had never encountered a xenomorph before why did he use the term 'bug hunt?' and being heavily, heavily pleased with the resulting answers) I have put a lot of thought into eventually - far future - running an Aliens game using the OW ruleset.
That in and of itself would be fairly easy to port. The Colonial Marines would use standard Guardsmen loadouts with specialists here and there using the respective loadouts.
The main thing would be nerfing the Tyranids as their templates would be the best match for the primary Alien antagonist (the misnomered "Xenomorphs" in which xenomorph is incorrectly used as a Proper Pronoun instead of a noun that Lt. Gorman originally intended that includes a litany of Alien lifeforms... /rant).
Has anyone made an effort to port the Nids from Deathwatch to Only War? Would it be a matter of simply dropping toughness and insane weapon power?
What about general thoughts on the subject - has anyone else done something similar to this?