rules clarification--fury of dracula

By phoenixfronash, in Fury Of Dracula

Question-- Sister Agatha is in play and Dracula plays fang (or escape) and takes damage in combat. Which is removed first? combat damage or event card damage? It makes a difference in the total damage. The group consensus is that the combat damage should be removed first but we have an avid Dracula player who disagrees. Thank you for your imput

I believe Sister Agatha's damage should be removed first, since it is "done" as soon as the cards are revealed (before the dice are even rolled).

What is the logic pointing the other way?

I have to agree, the damage from Sister Agatha is done to Dracula when he reveals the cards affected by Sister Agatha, it's a penalty for playing the card, not damage from the hunter.

I'm a bit curious how it affects the damage Dracula would take though?

I assume that if you add Sister Agatha's damage after the hunter's, and the hunter gets a "kill" result, it would make a difference.

However, I see no reason to apply damage in this fashion.

It also worths to mention that the blood loss caused by Sister Agatha is a cost, not a damage. So it doesn't hinder the playing out of Fangs, Mesmerise or Strenght in the next combat round.

thanks for the imput. It is the consensus of most of our group that the Sister Agatha damage should be removed first also