Rage/Charge & Stun

By Parathion, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

From the GLoAQ:

If the Overlord plays RAGE on a Lieutenant during a battle action, how many attacks does he receive - 3 or 4?
Two, actually. "Rage" reads: "Play when you activate a monster. That monster may attack twice during this activation (four times if it has Quick Shot)."
A lieutenant who has declared a Battle action may attack twice during his activation. "Rage" has no further effect - it is essentially granting the lieutenant an ability it already has. A much stronger play is to declare a Run action and then play "Rage," which would allow the lieutenant to move twice his speed and attack twice.

Now the basic rules for Run say, that you get to move twice your speed and no attack.

Stun says, depending on the monster type, either move or attack (masters) or do nothing (normals).

This makes me think that it would be a legal move to play a Rage or Charge card on a stunned monster (at least on a master) and still make some attacks and/or movements, analoguous to the legal Lt. Run/Rage combination.

Stunned Master, Select Move, Play Rage -> Single movement , two attacks (four if Quickshot)

Stunned Master, Select Attack, Play Charge -> Double movement, One attack.

Stunned normal monster, Play Rage -> Still two attacks?

So basically, the Rage and Charge cards (and Enrage as well for that matter) would ignore Stun for a master monster (same outcome as played on an unstunned master), and make some actions possible even for a normal monster.

Opinions here?

I'd agree with your logic for the master monsters, but for normals, the stun rules read "If the figure was a normal, unnamed monster, its action immediately ends." So If you play rage on in before it removes the stun token, its turn ends and no effect, and you can't play rage on it after you discard the token, since its turn is already over.

Still a very clever finding you've made though.

Badend said:

I'd agree with your logic for the master monsters, but for normals, the stun rules read "If the figure was a normal, unnamed monster, its action immediately ends." So If you play rage on in before it removes the stun token, its turn ends and no effect, and you can't play rage on it after you discard the token, since its turn is already over.

Still a very clever finding you've made though.

I agree with Badend. This trick is a handy technique for masters (and balanced by the fact that the OL is burning a card to cancel Stun), but for normal monsters they just flat out lose their turn. No card can help them act while stunned.