This post is meant to give newcoming players more or less general view on the game and strategies for all 6 Houses in a 6-player game. I hope that people will find it useful.
The tips below are based on a suggestion that all 6 players are more or less equally experienced with the game and are selfish enough to aim for the win in all costs.
All these tips are general and are not the only panacea, so stay diverse.
The post have to be and will be updated, so try to stay tuned in.
For now only Baratheon part is filled in, but the rest will be there soon. Unfortunately all this is quite time-consuming.
Update: Greyjoy part added.
General Guidelines
1. You have to play with what you got at the moment, using as much of your potential as possible.
If you have strong (combatwise) House cards - you have to fight. If you have more armies than your opponent and you can take relevant objectives - fight. If you have a possibility to use special orders - try using all of them. If you have at least 1 special order try using Special Consolidate Order to pump units and so on.
2. You never know what Westeros cards will bring, but you can try going for the most probable.
Always, especially in the first rounds, pay a lot of attention to:
a) What's the king aiming for and aim for the same or atleast keep balance. 1st Westeros Deck is about Supply/Mustering and King's choice between them.
b) Keep decent amount of Power Tokens available, since the Clash of Kings or Wildlings attack can't be predicted.
c) Pay attention to the Westeros cards in discarded piles, so you know what is left and can try predicting the upcoming events.
3. You don't have to be the first global agressor.
Wait for someone to make a solid move and when all the eyes will be focused on stopping the initial agressor from winning the game - it's your time to shine.
4. Keep your armies spread and if possible - with minor castle presence.
The more armies you have - the more manouvers you can make, which is better. Also sometimes Mustering comes unexpected, so the more units you can create - the better results you get.
5. Don't be greedy while bidding on Influence Tracks or Wildlings
No matter what, never be greedy with this! Always try to get the best out of every situation.
If you are bidding for Influence Tokens:
a) King's court track is the most important, especially in the mid and late game. Early game you either have at least one special order available or you have decent cards to fight and get new lands.
b) Valerian Sword is rather a luxury. Generally you need to be simply higher on the track than your opponents. In case if you are in constant fights or trying to defend desperately - bid for the Sword.
c) Iron Throne is the most irrelevent track. Mid and late game it's usually better to be in the bottom of the track, since from the strategical point of view, being able to make the finishing move and to counter enemy moves is way better than raiding and moving first. Only in case if your first move is life or death issue fight for the throne. Otherwise - do not.
If you are bidding for Wildlings and you don't have too many PTs available, not to be the last is more important than being first (unless you've seen the Wildlings card).
6. Trust noone.
There's no such thing as a union in the game. Every union is situational and lasts tops for 1 round. So reconsider, negotiate, lie, betray.
F - Footman
K - Knight
S - Ship
ST - Siege Tower
PT - Power Token
(M_+1) / (M_+0) / (M_-1) - March Orders +1/+0/-1
(D_+2) / (D_+1) - Defense Orders +2/+1
(S_+1) / (S.) - Support Orders
(R_*) / (R.) - Raid Orders [special and regular]
(CP_*) / (CP) - Consolidate Power Orders [special and regular]
Baratheon House Strategy
General Ideas
1. The sea (both Blackwater & Shipbreaker bays) are crucial to be controlled. Same for King's Landing - it's an absolute must.
2. Blackwater is the most reliable point for getting extra and so much needed supply.
3. Going too far inside the land areas should be rare and situational rather than common thing.
4. Dont try to challenge Storms End, unless Martell is i a long-lasting battle with Tyrell, this is way too exhausting and unworthy.
5. Consider pumping up ships early and invading either Narrows Sea or West Summer Sea.
6. King's Landing is a great place to pump PTs, so use it constantly and care of (R.) from your opponents.
7. Make sure to keep several ships in Blackwater Bay with (S_+1) order to keep your land areas and Shipbreaker Bay safe.
8. When Support Orders are forbidden during planning phase, you are highly likely to be invaded into th sea, so make sure to have a counterattack from Blackwater Bay. On the other hand you could use this
Early game strategy
Best way to open is (M_-1) on Dragonstone, (M_+1) on Kingswood, (M_+0) on Shipbreaker Bay. The goal is to take King's Landing in the 1st round.
[Here you can risk and invade Narrow or West Summer Sea with both ships and pray for the mustering to come.]
Afterwards it's nice to spread those 3 units somewhere, depending on moves of other players and Westeros. Absolute must here is to take Blackwater in 2nd round. Crackclawpoint and The Reach [could disturb Tyrell, so negotiate] would be perfect to take, if there was no Mustering. Otherwise consider leaving 1 unit in King's Landing to collect PTs with (CP.) or even (CP_*). In general - fast occupation of all areas adjacent to King's Landing and mustering up to 4 ships in total is the goal.
Mid game strategy
The general idea of mid game is to create a solid army, which will be able to invade enemy territories. Your perfect opponents are Stark and Martell, since once you've taken their sea, it's way too easier to maintain the attack with help of ships rather than to move deep into Tyrell or Lannister lands. Also beware Doran Martell, since if you will get any influence token, except the Iron Throne (which you don't really need) there's a chance that Martell will use Doran and go against you. So bid wisely, or make sure to either discard Doran with Patchface or get the high positions when Doran is already discarded and not to be back soon.
Late game strategy
It's really hard to tell much about late game for any house. It's more about defending what you already got and getting maybe a little bit more :-). Stick to the plan and try to finish your enemy, if you haven't done it previously. Switching an opponent is usually a bad idea, so do your best to win.
Rarely the game ends with someone getting 7th castle, but it is worth trying. Your 3 key areas are in easy-mode: Dragonstone, King's Landing and Cracklaw Point. The Reach, Harrenhal and Storms End are on the hard-mode to be obtained. The Eyrie, Starfall and White Harbor are for the god-mode, so if you get any of those, you'll probably win.
And a general comment for the late game, when you will get many castles, everyone will try to stop you from winning, so make sure you use House cards properly and be ready to lose some fights in order to take wins in crucial ones.
Greyjoy House Strategy
General Ideas
1. The sea is a key. Ironman's Bay and Sunset Sea are essential areas. If you control these 2 areas, taking control of Bay of Ice or The Golden Sound is not that big of a deal.
2. You must fight early, since you have the most powerful cards and a Valerian Blade.
3. Pick 1 opponent and stick with him to the end (Lannister or Stark). Fighting against two never leads to victory.
4. Don't forget to collect PTs with (CP) in any spare moment, since there's a high chance that on the nearest Clash your direct opponent will try to take Valerian Blade from you, and you will definately need few special orders to make your empire grow.
5. Be very cautious with placing March Orders in the very beginning, since you will only have 2 and so few units with no possibility to get new, unless Mustering comes. This is a good reason not to be greedy with House cards, because losing any of your units is dire.
6. Ships are extremely powerful in your hands. So consider getting 6-pack early with a nice spreading of those ships towards the seas. This will ensure landcontrol later.
Early game strategy
There are 2 different scenarios: either you go for Lannister or for Stark. Both are viable, but first is kind of high risk - high reward strategy, and the 2nd is safer, but gives you less profit. So
A) vs Lannister
Best Opening is (M_+0) on Pyke, (M_-1) for ship in Ironman's Bay and (CP) for both F in Greywater Watch and Ship in Pyke port. Two (CP) orders will allow you to use Aeron (if you will need to), otherwise you will probably have one of the highest amounts of PTs if the clash happens on 2nd round. First (M_+0) spreads armies between Seaguard and Riverrun, depending of how Lannister moved, but in general it's better to march into Riverrun with F. Then (M_-1) goes into Golden Sound. If everything goes well, you will probably be able to kill atleast 1 Lannister unit and take a gorgeous position for the 2nd round.
On the next turn it will be really good to take Flint's Finger and make a stand while defending Riverrun. Sooner or later Mustering or Clash (since Lannister won't be able to use much of (CP) while defending) will make your dreams come true. As soon as you feel confident - go for Lannisport with Balon.
B) vs Stark
Make sure to create a union with Lannisters before going for Starks, since there will come a point during the siege, when you'll become extremely vulnerable to Lannisper attack. Best Opening is (M_+0) on Pyke, (M_-1) for ship in Ironman's Bay and (CP) for both F in Greywater Watch and Ship in Pyke port. K to Flint's Finger and F to Seaguard. This prepares a good background for sieging Moat Calin and allows marching a ship into Bay of Ice. On this point you are extremely vulnerable to the Lannister surprise attack, so beware.
Mid game strategy
A) vs Lannister
If you haven't taken over Lannisport & Golden Sound yet, keep trying. If you achieved the goal, the next step is organizing a solid defense. 1 ship in Sunset Sea wirh (R.) and several ships in both Golden Sound and Ironman's Bay with solid unraidable Support Orders. Harrenhall and Moat Calin are in a primary focus, since they will allow you to take 7 castles and win early (if you are doing extremely well).
B) vs Stark
If you haven't burned Winterfell to the ground, keep trying. Otherwise start thinking about building a solid defense there, by adding troops in The Stony Shore/Castle Black and supporting with Ships from The Bay of Ice.
Late game strategy
A) vs Lannister
By now you should have 5 castles and the whole adjacent sea areas under control. So now watch the map and try contesting the most vulnerable place. It might be Winterfell & Moat Calin or Harrenhall, or even Highgarden & The Reach. It depends.
B) vs Stark
Easy now. Once Stark is not a threat anymore and the North is secured, time to strike The Golden Sound and Rivenrun/Lannisport. This should be done within 1 round and with supreme invading power, so the enemy won't stand a chance. If you succeed, this is pretty much the game.
Lannister House Strategy
General Ideas
Early game strategy
Mid game strategy
Late game strategy
Martell House Strategy
General Ideas
1. It's probably the most conflict-avoiding house due to Doran Martell. It's also the unique card in the means of diplomacy and weakening your enemies, so use it wisely.
2. Due to compact placement of your lands, sieging you is a hard thing; on the other hand expanding also hard.
Early game strategy
Mid game strategy
Late game strategy
Stark House Strategy
General Ideas
Early game strategy
Mid game strategy
Late game strategy
Tyrell House Strategy
General Ideas
Early game strategy
Mid game strategy
Late game strategy