It ain't "Knight level"

By whafrog, in General Discussion

In that, it wouldn't matter. At least we'd have some benchmarks for players to work towards :)

And we don't now?

i agree with not statting them. I would rather they not do it unless it is for an adventure it makes sense for. Like Jewel of Yavin.

All Statting them out will do is lead to more arguments about how they are statted wrong.


There were a number of threads on the old WotC boards that complained about how various major characters were "wrong" because they couldn't do everything that the existing lore at the time said they could do, with Luke being one of the biggest points of contention followed closely by the named characters in the Rebellion Era Campaign Guide.

There was a reason for that - the system was limited and attempted to pigeon hole way more than this system does. However I see your point, but would like to see FFGs take on the major characters. Just my personal opinion.

And we don't now?

Not for the main characters no. I may be stuck in WEG land though.

Again, though, statting would do nothing for PCs. They are no benchmark. All it would do for some is appease some need to see named characters in print. All it would do is create yet another area of contention as no build would satisfy everyone. It is, in all likelihood, why FFG has avoided doing stats for any major characters beyond Lando.

It is, in all likelihood, why FFG has avoided doing stats for any major characters beyond Lando.

And even that came with a caveat...

It is, in all likelihood, why FFG has avoided doing stats for any major characters beyond Lando.

And even that came with a caveat...

It is, in all likelihood, why FFG has avoided doing stats for any major characters beyond Lando.

And even that came with a caveat...

Absolutely. His stats were only in regard the adventure and were not meant to be representative of the entire character.

It is, in all likelihood, why FFG has avoided doing stats for any major characters beyond Lando.

And even that came with a caveat...

Absolutely. His stats were only in regard the adventure and were not meant to be representative of the entire character.
IMO that is so totally the way to do it.

Totes! This ain't GURPS.

As a matter of fact, I bet you could stat out Yoda with 150 XP with regard to his adventures in The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi... :P

As a matter of fact, I bet you could stat out Yoda with 150 XP with regard to his adventures in The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi... :P

If you are charitable with the X-Wing distance being at Short range, I think all you need is 45XP...basic Move and three Strength upgrades. This only requires two Force pips.

He doesn't need any Foresee, because he was faking it..."Uh, hmm, always in motion is the future...that it is, um-hmmm" :)

As a matter of fact, I bet you could stat out Yoda with 150 XP with regard to his adventures in The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi... :P

If you are charitable with the X-Wing distance being at Short range, I think all you need is 45XP...basic Move and three Strength upgrades. This only requires two Force pips.

He doesn't need any Foresee, because he was faking it..."Uh, hmm, always in motion is the future...that it is, um-hmmm" :)

In regards to Move, the base power is limited to objects within Short Range, as the Range Upgrades only affect how far out you can move the affected object. So whether at 150XP or 1500XP, you'd have to be "charitable" with the distance between Luke or Yoda and that X-Wing to have it fall within Short Range.