So, has anyone done what they would consider a good, cool regiment type with any of the other mount options from HotE? I've never really been a big fan of the horses, or the Rough Riders, in general, as I've whined in the past, and would've preferred SM biker analogues, but since IG don't get those, I can live with these. Other than horses, or what the Kreigers vaguely try to tell us is a horse, has anyone had good results with the other critters? I rather like the idea of using aethexes, marru, or maybe the venumex, but am not sure how well any of them would go, and as they aren't represented in model, I have a harder time envisioning them. Some others' experiences with them would be appreciated.
Almost as much to this point, other than one-shot wonder hunting lance Rough Riders, have any other types been used? Space Marine bikes are totally different than Rough Riders, and I imagine that gun-toting Guardsmen could fill a similar role, especially with some of the hardier mounts. What sort of roles have you built mounted regiments to fill?
Lastly, how many of the classes are good with these? Frequently, I can read some folks dissing on the specialist jobs, like Psyker or Tech-Priest, but I can see several "traditional" jobs not seeming to be so great here. Do you just agree to no Operators (living mounts), Heavies (these aren't Krootox or Squiggoths), and such? What classes would even Attilan RRs, or Kreig Death Riders actually be using?
So, any of your successes would be nice to read. While I doubt I'll be lucky enough to see some sort of Cadian, aethex-mounted scouts, or something, I'd like to see what other people have made of the mounted regiment rules, that aren't the same two regiments they give us. Thanks, and have a good one.