Do you have to Evade/Fight monsters when returning from Another World?

By shnar, in Arkham Horror Second Edition

I'm moving into a Location that has a portal. There's a monster I *really* don't want to fight. So I sneak past him and successfully Evade and go into the portal. Now when I come bcak from the portal, do I have to sneak past him again to close the portal? Or just when I leave the Location on my next turn (assuming I successfully closed the portal this turn)?



If you return to Arkham during the movement phase, you get a "free pass" at closing/sealing the gate, regardless of the monster(s) on it. If an OW encounter returns you to Arkham, tough noogies, next turn you need to first evade/fight the monster(s) before getting an attempt at close/seal (then again, the encounter might do that for you).

On a side note, since the rules say "does not have to evade or fight..." regarding the free pass when you move from OW back to Arkham, many (myself included) feel like if you want to tackle the monster(s) guarding the gate, you can. This can save you the trouble of evading/fighting them next turn on your move.


In the rule book, page 18:

During the turn he returns to Arkham from an Other World, an investigator does not have to evade or fight any monsters in the gate’s location. This rule only applies during the turn he returns to Arkham; in subsequent turns, if the investigator remains in the location, he must evade or fight any monsters there as normal.

There was a whole thing about this question fairly recently in the old forum. I'm just agreeing with everyone here. The first turn back in Arkham, you get a free pass with the monster guarding the gate, but you can fight him if you want. As Dam said, most will attempt to fight the monster, just make sure your skills are solid. Defeating him will allow you to leave the location next turn, i.e., not have to pass an evade check.

K, I thought for sure you didn't have to fight the monster, but in the Movement section of the rules, it says that if you move to a location/street with a monster, you have to Evade/Fight. The arguement was that moving from Another World to Arkham was a "Movement", so you had to still Fight/Evade, but I thought that wasn't the case and just couldn't remember why.

One more question, why do you have to fight the monster if an Encounter in Another World or a Spell sends you back to Arkham early? The rule quoted there makes it seem that it doesn't matter how you return, if you return, you don't have to fight the monster, until the Movement phase of the next turn. Speaking of which, if you stay in a location do you have to Evade/Fight again? I vaguely recall that you only have to Evade/Fight when you leave or end movment on a place with a Monster?


shnar said:

One more question, why do you have to fight the monster if an Encounter in Another World or a Spell sends you back to Arkham early? The rule quoted there makes it seem that it doesn't matter how you return, if you return, you don't have to fight the monster, until the Movement phase of the next turn. Speaking of which, if you stay in a location do you have to Evade/Fight again? I vaguely recall that you only have to Evade/Fight when you leave or end movment on a place with a Monster?


2) You always fight/evade a monster when you try to leave a space or end your movement phase. Even if you don't move, you must still fight/evade a monster that you share a space with. Them's the rules.

1) Now back to your first question, this "free pass" is an exemption but it is only granted the same turn in which you return to Arkham. You typically move back to Arkham during Phase 2 which just so happens to coincide when you have to fight monsters. But you don't close gates until Phase 3. You have no time to prepare for a monster that might have appeared since you left 9like trading items with other investigators, etc.)

So this exemption was set up so you didn't feel like you wasted a couple turns exploring the OW just to get wasted by a monster when you return. And if you lose the battle, you also lose hald your Clue tokens. So this is a harsh penalty that will take you too many turns to recover.

But if you are sent back early due to an encounter, this happens in Phase 4, when you don't have to engage monsters for until the next turn. You now have a chance to react by timing turns to get a weapon to you or having another investigator fight the monster before you attempt a closer. Because you have other options, there is no need for this exemption.

Off the top of my head, items that send you back early, like Spells, are usually cast during the movement phase. So they fall under the "normal" movement back and grant the exemption.