Cult of the 100

By Big Remy, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I played this bonus Quest for the first time last night. Lots of fun, highly recommend it.

Seeing the Heroes open a door and having a boulder 2 spaces away from them is funny.

How long did it take you to run?

Is it relatively well balanced?

I killed the heroes hour into the Quest I would say. The map is fairly small, but its a hard map. Nasty trap right off the bat, only two chests in the whole thing and two glyphs to activate.

From the look of it, experienced players could do it in 2-3 hours easy. The guys I played with definitely knew what they were doing, I got lucky on card draw and having the second room have 2 Dark Priests and 1 Master DP helped alot. Its definitely not an easy Quest, but not impossible.

I've run it twice, each time with only 2 heroes. They got slaughtered in the second room both times. Even poor Boggs couldn't help them. And of course he didn't die, but I did squish him with the boulder. Incidentally, when he was under it, I proclaimed that he no longer had line of sight to prevent me from spawning.

It was alot of fun to play last night Remy! We had a pretty good party (2 players controlling 2 heroes each) consisting of Brother Glyr, One-Fist, Ronan, and the glass cannon mage who gets 2 free surges on every magic attack. We drew pretty good skills too, so we could have done a lot worse selecting heroes and skills. That being said, I really don't see how the heroes can win this scenario very often without a fair amount of luck. I knew it would be a tough challenge from the start, but it was still fun to play. It might be worth trying again...

Overall it was an enjoyable (but short) evening of fun. I do recommend warning the hero players beforehand that the scenario is pretty tough. I look forward to our next session Remy!

I played it these days with three heroes and the heroes won, but only as their mage had „telekinesis“. With this skill, they could easily push the golem in front of the boulder as soon as they entered the room.

As everyone thougt that this is a boring ending, we decided to go on playing as if this had not happened – and we houseruled that the named golem can not be affected by telekinesis.
Playing it this way, the heroes got heavily smashed in the last room. Unfortunately, this wasn`t more fun than pushing the golem via telekinesis…

But all in all, I agree: This map is fun, but it’s difficult for three heroes.

Some questions at last:
Whenever the boulder reappears at the start of the overlords turn (because it hit a wall before), does it start rolling in the same turn? Or is it just reappearing and has to wait for the next turn?
If a hero is standing on the space at which the boulder is reappearing, will he get smashed or will he be moved away from that space?