How will you handle all the crying?

By Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

As the valorous Imperial player, how will you handle all the pitiful crying from the other players when you sweep away the pitiful efforts of this insignificant rebellion?

The Empire is victorious on ALL fronts!

"Please, stop crying. I really need people to play this game with...I hope you had fun at least."

Man, I'm such a nice Imperial commander.


Edited by Armandhammer

Force choke their tearducts? :D

Slightly off-topic, but this reminds me of something I've been thinking of. As the Imperial player, will you read through the scenarios ahead of time, before you play? Or will you wait until the actual play session? I feel like if I read through the campaign guide, I can start forming strategies unfairly which will lead to more Rebel crying.

I feel like if I read through the campaign guide, I can start forming strategies unfairly which will lead to more Rebel crying.

So you would rather make them suffer slowly in a more drawn out way than kill them off efficiently.

How very Dark of you Brother Budgernaut.

The Imperial Inquisitorius has use for your "talents".

Well, I admit that of the three Imperial decks, I'm heavily leaning toward subversive tactics.

I like Military might, but the thought of jet packed storm troopers is very very tempting :D