i understand that a lot of people like to troll forums and moan continusly about cards that should be banned/errata's, because they are broken,stupid,boring,they don't own any. i do understand that stronger decks will put new players off a game if they see a certain deck just win, however when introducing new players to the game play a couple of fun deck tournaments. i never play my tournament level decks at locals if i can help it however when it comes to the big events (potm final, nats, team nats, regonals) i wanna do well which means playing with my best deck.
just because we have seen a large number of the same charaters in the big tournaments in the last few months when has that been any different, would it change with bans, no we would find new strong characters and decks to run, then there would be more moaning. Every game has a meta and this is another one with a meta, a meta that will change at the latest every year which i now look forward to because it means i will have to think about a whole new idea for that meta and thats what keeps me playing. How to beat these strong decks in the format not to make them weaker and then beat them.