Protectecting and carrying questions

By Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

I have a few Plano protector series four pistol cases to protect my X Wing mins when I travel, the cases are stylish and inexpensive. When this game comes out I will probably pick up a few more to transport this game.
[ I sometimes get interesting nods from people on the street who recognize them as gun cases. ]
On the product page for Imperial Assault it says 2x Green and 5x Protective card sleeves, I assume these are those sleeves?



[ I can't seem to find yellow in stock in the main sites that carry them ]

Second question,
Are these types of cards the same ones that fit the required greens?
Also does Fantasy Flight make protectors for the size of the Hero sheets?

Lastly, does anyone have a way of protecting unique tokens [ like the ally and villain pieces ]?

Edited by Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun

That's a neat idea, with the pistol case. I'm still not sure exactly which case I'll use to transport my stuff. I might just go with the various plano boxes that I've picked up along the way for SWM and other mini games.

As for the cards, when they say Yellow and Green cards, they aren't referring to the color of the sleeves themselves (as in one of your links), but rather to the color at the top of the FFG sleeve packs. Follow this link and find the ones with the Green and the Yellow parts at the top of the picture: . The Yellows are for the small half-size cards, and the Greens are for the regular-size cards.

As for the cool art-backed sleeves that you link to (with the Stormtrooper pic on it), I'm afraid that those sleeves are a different size than the ones recommended for Imperial Assault: the site says that the art sleeves are 63.5 x 88 mm, versus the FFG "Greens" at 57 x 89 mm. If the listed measurements are accurate, then it looks like you COULD use the art sleeves with Imperial Assault, but the sleeves would just be a little bit too wide, and would probably end up being more of a headache than anything else.

I did manage to get protectors for my Descent 2.0 hero sheets (I highly recommend the sleeves!), but right now I can't recall where I found them. It might've been on Ebay. If there's more interest then I'll try to look them up.

I have never seen a method of protecting the tokens. But they're made of solid, thick cardboard, so I've never found a need to do so either. I store all my Descent tokens and dice like this:


I haven't had a problem with tokens being damaged or anything. This particular Plano box is the 3600, though I'm sure that other versions might do the job just as well.

Edited by thereisnotry

I did manage to get protectors for my Descent 2.0 hero sheets (I highly recommend the sleeves!), but right now I can't recall where I found them. It might've been on Ebay. If there's more interest then I'll try to look them up.

Consider me interested!

As for finding sleeves, there is a new stock on the boat. Should hit stores before IA does.

I've just found where I got them: I bought them on eBay in May of 2013, from a seller named "tbg shop". They took about a month to arrive, because he shipped from Thailand or somewhere, as I recall. The item title on eBay was...

"Card SLEEVES for Talisman 4th ed.: Character cards & Descent : Hero sheets".

Alas, that seller is no longer selling on Ebay, and when I search for those terms and variations thereof, I get nothing. Bummer. :(

But really, they were nothing other than bigger versions of the card sleeves that FFG sells, which makes me hope that FFG will develop sleeves for this aspect of their game. Really, it seems like it would be pretty simple. And if IA proves to be as popular as it seems like it will, then these sleeves would be guaranteed to sell, and sell well. Nobody likes to have dog-eared or pop-stained character sheets. It's basically guaranteed money for FFG if they decide to produce them.

Yeah. They make Tarot-sized cards. I could totally see them coming up with sleeves for these, especially if the hero sheets for IA are the same size as cards for Descent and Talisman. Even Age of War has a card sleeve size that fits.

The only problem is, what color would they use on the packaging since they already have yellow, green, red, blue, orange, purple, and grey? j/k :)

As for the cool art-backed sleeves that you link to (with the Stormtrooper pic on it), I'm afraid that those sleeves are a different size than the ones recommended for Imperial Assault: the site says that the art sleeves are 63.5 x 88 mm, versus the FFG "Greens" at 57 x 89 mm. If the listed measurements are accurate, then it looks like you COULD use the art sleeves with Imperial Assault, but the sleeves would just be a little bit too wide, and would probably end up being more of a headache than anything else.

I did manage to get protectors for my Descent 2.0 hero sheets (I highly recommend the sleeves!), but right now I can't recall where I found them.

That's a neat idea, with the pistol case. I store all my Descent tokens and dice like this

That's awesome.

Thanks for the detailed response thereisnotry.

The cool art back sleeves like Darth Vader and Imperial Stormtroopers won't be the right fit then? :(

I take it Fantasy Flight does not make protectors for Descent sized Hero sheets.

I was rereading this thread and noticed the question about tokens. I had missed it the first time. At Star Wars LCG game night, I saw a guy who had taken some sort of paint pen (enamel, I think) and painted the edges of his tokens. Shield tokens were blue, focus tokens were red, and damage tokens were orange. They looked really spiffy. At first we thought he had some sort of promotional tokens. The paint really made them pop. It also helped distinguish tokens from the side when looking across the table. But most importantly, he said he did it to keep the layers of paper from pealing apart. I was really impressed.

Yes, and I want to make it clear: the sleeves themselves do not have a color; they're all non-colored transparent.

The color that the website refers to is simply referring to the "Package Color Code" (ie, for identification purposes when purchasing) for those specific sleeves.

The color that the website refers to is simply referring to the "Package Color Code" (ie, for identification purposes when purchasing) for those specific sleeves.

That part I understood.

Thanks for help gentlemen.

I found some Japanese card protectors that may be a fit for the Hero Cards, do you guys think these dimensions would work?

Postcards size 3 11/16" x 5 3/4" [94.6 mm x 146 mm]

The color that the website refers to is simply referring to the "Package Color Code" (ie, for identification purposes when purchasing) for those specific sleeves.

That part I understood.

Thanks for help gentlemen.

I found some Japanese card protectors that may be a fit for the Hero Cards, do you guys think these dimensions would work?

Postcards size 3 11/16" x 5 3/4" [94.6 mm x 146 mm]

Almost impossible to make a call like that without owning the game.

I suggest messaging Jayven if you really need to know because he is the only one on this forum that I know of that has it :)

X-Wing and Imperial Assault both use the same size of cards (needing Yellow and Green sleeves). For X-Wing I found that the "Plano 23780-00 Deep Stowaway Box" is simply PERFECT. It's at a really low price on Amazon right now too, at $11.58.

So I've ordered one just now to use for my Imperial Assault Cards.


This box is perfectly sized for these cards!

--On the right side you see 4 slots where the bigger cards can lay on their sides (with sleeves), without touching the lid when it closes. Each of the dividers between those sections can be removed if you choose.

--To the left of those are the smaller cards (which IA has a lot of), which fit perfectly, especially when they're sleeved. In fact, you can see that the cards are leaning over...if you stick your finger in to the bottom of one of those sections and push the bottom of the cards so that they're standing upright, the cards will rise up to about 1/8 of an inch above the divider wall, which makes it easy to remove the stack of cards. And the width of the slots is just right, too; it's not so tight that the cards won't sit straight, but it's not so loose that the cards bounce around a lot.

One of the difficult things with storing FFG games like this (Descent, X-Wing, Arkham, etc) is keeping all of the different cards separated and organized...but as you can see, this box is ideal. I've never had a hard time storing X-Wing cards since I found this box. I expect that it'll be the same for Imperial Assault.

Edited by thereisnotry

Thanks for the tip - that box looks perfect - just ordered one, and should probably arrive around the same time the game does! :)

My box just arrived. And since I have one for both X-Wing and Imperial Assault, I decided to print out some basic labels (using logos I found with a google Image search) to put on the top of the boxes. It looks snazzy!

My box just arrived. And since I have one for both X-Wing and Imperial Assault, I decided to print out some basic labels (using logos I found with a google Image search) to put on the top of the boxes. It looks snazzy!

I'd love to see a picture or two!

Ask, and you shall receive!


Here are a couple of basic tips for getting the labels to work really well:

--search for "star wars imperial assault logo" on Google (in the image tab) to find the pic/label that you want

--use packing tape, rather than the 1/2-inch classroom tape that everyone has. Packing tape will require only 2 strips (and therefore look much better), and it will also protect your label from scratches and other damage

Looks good.

Man I know I am a gamer when I think even this simple and basic thread is cool.

Hmm, I didn't realize when I ordered this Plano box, but it looks like it's actually too big to fit in the Imperial Assault game box. That is unfortunate. Now I'm not sure if I'll use it or a different solution.

I generally don't use my actual gameboxes for games like this, since they tend to get out-grown so quickly, and the boxes tend to get mangled in transit all over the place.

Either I'll get an entirely separate and complete system or else (as I'm planning to do for IA) I'll use the gamebox plus another solution (such as this card box), so that the gamebox will hold the minis and tiles and a small Plano box for the tokens/dice, and then this separate box will hold my cards. Think long-term; this box will be very useful as your collection grows.

Yeah, I'm thinking the same thing. Already have all the ally and villain packs on pre-order. Whether I jump into future expansions is going to depend on how much my friends want to play the game. I have a regular campaign night set up, but it's every other week, so it's going to take us a awhile to go through the campaign just once.

My box just arrived. And since I have one for both X-Wing and Imperial Assault, I decided to print out some basic labels (using logos I found with a google Image search) to put on the top of the boxes. It looks snazzy!

Is there a box that is just a tad bid less long. I'm looking for a storage container like this for the cards that I can fit inside my imperial assault box.

I'm sorry about that, felkor. :(

Do you think the newer Plano box will fit inside the IA box with all the tiles and minis too?