My players are about to begin a new mission where they have to track down a specific space pirate ship (the last known location of a dangerous artifact). I have a few ideas about how to go about this, but I wanted to throw this out to the community to see if there were other options that I was overlooking.
They will be working in partnership with the Imperial Navy, which hunts pirates as part of their standard duties, so procedures have to be limited to what would be available to the Navy: they can't automatically know how to find pirates (much less specific pirates), because if they could, they would have wiped them out long ago!
My thinking was that the I.N. would be employing decoy ships along major shipping routes to tempt pirates into attacking, only to find that the decoys are filled with troopers (they should ideally be called 'marines', but we can't use use that term for anything other than Astartes in 40K), with an I.N. vessel shadowing the decoy at the limits of auger range. This is 'catch as catch can', with no control over if or when an attack occurs or which pirate ship attacks, making it both very time-consuming and unlikely that the Acolytes will find the one ship they are looking for by this method.
Pirates should theoretically have some kind of secret base where they can meet, repair their ships, and engage in trade ( a la Tortuga in the days of the Spanish Main). This would probably be a better place to intercept the ship they are looking for, but it's location must be secret (otherwise the I.N would have purged it already).
So, my thinking was that the PCs would be stationed aboard the decoy ship, waiting weeks for an attack to occur, then taking some pirate command crew prisoner; the party's Psyker would then Mind Scan the pirates to locate their secret base, and go there undercover and wait (weeks, months?) for the specific ship they are looking for to put into port.
Workable, but extremely inefficient and time-consuming. So, my question is, is there a better/simpler/faster way to locate a specific pirate ship, that I am overlooking?