Large Miniatures in Future Expansions

By aniedrig, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault


I was thinking about possible large minis in future expansions. The AT-ST in the base game is obviously pretty cool. But I had difficulties to think of equally cool large creatures from the star wars universe, which could be included in future expansions, which would also make sense game mechanically speaking.

obviously, there are hundreds of flying vehicles in Star Wars, but those wouldn't make much sense in this game, since it is happening on the ground.

Vehicles like the AT-AT are awesome, but definitely too large for this game. The speeder bike would be the perfect size, but honestly too fast. it would have to have a movement value of 20 or so, which is also not very meaningful in this game.

one monster I think is a MUST HAVE in a future expansion is the Rancor. It would be a perfect 6-square miniature (see link):

Can you think of other Star Wars vehicles or creatures that would be perfect for a 4- or 6-square miniature? Please post your ideas and wishes. I am curious.

Edited by aniedrig

The one's that spring to mind are:-

Tuskan Raiders on Banthas

Stormtroopers on Dewbacks

Rebels on Tauntauns

...but these are beasts of burden rather than combat monsters. Maybe the Sarlacc as a special immobile monster?

If the game can handle scout walkers I think it could handle speeder bikes. Unless more tiles open up the exterior sites land/air/snow speeders might be awkward.



I definitely agree with a Sarlacc pit. I think that would work well, and could have some interesting abilities.

It would be like being swallowed into a Ice Wyrm's stomach (a la D1e).

I can't see why we wouldn't get all matter of machines... It's not as if the AT-ST is going to be an interior vehicle...


Speeder Bike (on stand?)

Ewok Glider (on stand)







Snow Speeder

All matter of 'hover' vehicles




Just to name a few... Of course... AT-AT, Jabba's Sail Barge, Sandcrawler, etc... would be the inevitable 'LARGE/HUGE' releases, if they had any.


I agree with

Ewok Glider (on stand)
But honestly, I don't think they will release any of the large vehicles, you listed. I think they are cool, but I don't think it makes much sense in this game. first of all they are simply too large. the map is not even large enough to hold such vehicles. and second they'd be too powerful. It is much more likely that they will make missions on or inside of these vehicles, but then they will be represented with the map itself, but not as a miniature.
And a snow speeder on a stand? not very likely. It simply does not work with the game mechanics. too fast, too powerful. movement speed 50? :D
but I guess there are already some ideas to fill the next couple of expansions.

If the base game didn't come with an AT-ST, I would've said it'll never happen. Butsince it's here, I'm all for the rancor. Even the sarlaac sounds interesting, but I think terreain makes more sense for that one. However, I'm not too keen on the other large vehicles. Landspeeders, speederbikes, T-16 Skyhoppers, etc. don't get ms excited with respect to this game. If they are in Ally/Villain Packs, I just won't buy them. If they are in boxed expansions, I'll be sad that design space wasn't used for the myriad aliens from Star Wars.

I think I'd be okay with Dewbacks and Banthas. I'm not sure about Taun Tauns. They probably wouldn't be ridabale by the heroes. Maybe it would be a scout on a Taun Taun? I guess part of my issue is that we're not likely to see different characters repeated as riders of a vehicle. We won't see Han on Taun Taun and Luke on Taun Taun and Diala Passil on Taun Taun, so they've got to be faceless or new unique allies and villains. Wampas, though, now those would be cool.

I don't think the scale of the game lends well to a lot of mounts. Slow combat vehicle sure, but dewbacks and banthas aren't really all that hostile in and of themselves.



No one said Krayt Dragon? Or even the Greater Krayt Dragon?

Come on guys!

Maybe the Sarlacc as a special immobile monster?



Here you go, build your own Sarlac for $14.00, the finished product is awesome and very portable.

Part 1

Part 2

Edited by Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun

When I was playing with the AT-ST at Gencon I thought it was more sized as an AT-PT [which was first seen in Dark Force Rising in a Katana Class Dreadnaught. Actually it WAS the Katana ].

Edited by Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun

I am hoping that Fantasy Flight can create miniatures of the Mini Rigs from my childhood , I think I have all of them still kept back home.

It would be great to see a Mobile Laser Canon 3 go head to head against a Multi Terrain Vehicle 7 , which Fantasy Flight had the honor of bringing back in Star Wars: The Card Game A Dark Time , which features a vehicle card that provided the first canonical illustration and first depiction since the subject's original toy.

I definitely agree with a Sarlacc pit. I think that would work well, and could have some interesting abilities.

It would be like being swallowed into a Ice Wyrm's stomach (a la D1e).

That might be a tile, actually I think I have one from WoTC mini game wonder if that will work

I think the AT-ST is about the biggest we should get in the game. But that still leaves things like the acklay, reek, and AT-PT as perfectly reasonable expansions. And we need a rancor at some point.

An AT-AT where top lifts off to reveal tiles that the miniatures can move around in and interact with, would be awesome.

I think leveton is right in that the AT-ST will likely be the biggest, if FF commits to this scale there using now.

bud if you look at the X-wing game there is a scale size offset, just compare a tie fighter to a Tantive IV, its possible there will be "scaled down" bigger minis like a AT-AT ore a sandcrawler for IA.

Personally I think that these "super sized" minis will be tiles

An AT-AT where top lifts off to reveal tiles that the miniatures can move around in and interact with, would be awesome.

THIS WOULD BE AMAZING!!! It's also an interesting thought for a custom...

Edited by Omegaclone

An AT-AT where top lifts off to reveal tiles that the miniatures can move around in and interact with, would be awesome.

THIS WOULD BE AMAZING!!! It's also an interesting thought for a custom...

Hm...I do have that WotC AT-AT. I could carve it up and make that happen...

An AT-AT where top lifts off to reveal tiles that the miniatures can move around in and interact with, would be awesome.

THIS WOULD BE AMAZING!!! It's also an interesting thought for a custom...

Hm...I do have that WotC AT-AT. I could carve it up and make that happen...

DON'T Do IT!!! It's such an amazing piece. I'd make a proxy or something. I have mine on display a top a book shelf.

Hm...I do have that WotC AT-AT. I could carve it up and make that happen...

I am sure that act is punishable as a felony in some States.

Aww...You're no fun. ;)

We named the dog Indiana .

Stunami I found an Imperial AT-AT for you .

Perfect for winter!