Has anyone run any games on ambulon? If so, how did you portray it? What seemed to work? I'm going to be running a short game there soon, and just wanted some input on what other's thought about it, what worked and what didn't. I plan on making it much like a voidship from rogue trader. Maybe the body of it is a voidship with legs. I don't know for sure yet.
What's Ambulon like?
One adventure in Purge the unclean also has a section taking place on Ambulon. It's described as a city of Artisans and Artists. Also, when you have no reason to be in the city, you get thrown off. Rooms are small (and apparently sometimes ways cross through them) and buildings are not very high (the whole shaking and stuff).
Add to that the heat of the area Amblon tends to stride through, and you technically have a pretty sucky place to live.
On the other hand, you'd be living on an EFFIN HIVE TITAN!
So, yeah, I'd instill a sense of claustrophobia yet artistic beauty, with relative strict controls by the Magistratum. Add in a lot of shaking (tests vs. sea-sickness?) and possibly some sunburn and i think you're good. Just my opinion though.
Thanks a lot! While reading some of that stuff, I guess when you were saying people get thrown off, you meant literally thrown O-F-F off. pretty wild! Anyway, I appreciate it, and if anyone has any other specific ideas on how to bring this grungy little corner of the galaxy to life for my players, I'd love to hear it.
I am speculating bit I bet the authorities are less corrupt than in Hives simply because everyone has to justify their existence. Further I would speculate that enforcers are pretty hot on Iding people and checking their cognenms.