Developing rules for using the Thallax

By Cogniczar, in Only War House Rules

of the Ordo Reductor.

Material so far

Need evaluation of profile so far/commentary.

Roadmap to completion of document:

- Flesh out Destructor, Empyrite, and Icarian variants.

- Write profiles for unique weapons (Lightning Gun, Phase Plasma-Fusil, Irad-Cleanser, Photon Thruster).

- Reinforcement cost (dark heresy 2.0)

Note: I understand these units were from the 30-31st millennium (Horus Heresy era). Not an issue - i simply don't care if they still exist or not. Just doing this for fun. =D


Final Document

Edited by Cogniczar

The full-on Robocop treament, essentially?

Look at the Lathes World DH sourcebook and its web supplement for weapons/augmentation possibilities. Figure a lot of integrated weapon upgrades on their armory.

Lightning gun (along with a number of other archeotech weapons/equipment, including conversion/volkite(essentially) weapons) are in Rogue Trader/sourcebooks. Rad Cleanser was statted in DH Inquisitor's Handbook, and I think it was statted in both RT and in DW.

I'm assuming this is for NPC-use only and most certainly not for Player use.

As far as the cost to call them in as backup ... probably somewhere between "Space Marine" and "Titan Maniple", possibly roughly on par with Terminators, or maybe a dreadnought, depending on how many you want. Though, it probably depends on when and where you are in the 40k-verse as well.

Also, there will be strings attached to the AdMech allowing you to have access to them. And if you aren't in the AdMech's good books, you aren't getting any.

Now that you've mentioned it, a game as the Solar Auxilia has potential...


Slowly getting there.

Edited by Cogniczar

I concur with Jav. Unless you just saved a Lathe world from a group of machine-sodomites, you probably aren't worthy of Thallaxi support.

Other than that, this looks really cool. If you are going the extra mile, statting the weapons would be a big help to those who don't want to go digging through sourcebooks to find the stats - although, I think you are headed in that direction.

If you scroll down on the last page, the table with the stats is hiding. I left empty room on the last page for more entries once I get around to it. ^^. lol

As far as use - Inquisitors of the Ordo Machinum or the Ordo Militarum would probably have enough sway to request such forces - if they exist at all in the present. =D

Oh yeah, there they are. Awesome stuff, man. Really.

Now please school me on what the hell the Ordo Machinum and the Ordo Militarum are.

New additions to the Ordos Minoris of the Inquisition from the last codex.

The Ordo Machinum, or the Judicators of the Forge, are dedicated to monitoring the Adeptus Mechanicus. They hold ties with the Adeptus Mechanicus, often accompanying Explorator fleets and excavation detachments. They are primarily concerned with the reintegration of recovered STC's into the Imperium's armies and the rare adaptation of alien technology into the established Mechanicum protocols. They ensure that laxness on the part of the Mechanicus does not permit a flawed design to enter Imperial service and more importantly prevent a greedy Magos from withholding vital designs for himself.

The Ordo Militum - This Ordo has the duty of monitoring the Imperium's military bodies, such as the Imperial Guard, the Imperial Navy, the Commissariat, the Sanctioned Psykers of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica, the Adeptus Astartes, and -- together with the Ordo Hereticus -- the Adepta Sororitas.

A subset of the group, the Ordo Militarum, is dedicated solely to the policing the Imperial Guard, founded in M35 and counted as 500 Inquisitors strong.

Final Document

More or less at a point I wrapped it up - unless more inspiration sparks later on or anyone else has anymore commentary or suggestions. Weapon stats are included, and these creatures should prove a formidible adversary to a regiment of Imperial Guardsmen against Dark Mechanicum, or however any gm may find a way to incorporate these ancient terrors in their games.

All in all, I'm happy with this turn out. =D

Dude, that looks so ridiculously good. Thanks for making that available to the players.

Huge kudos.