Two questions on morality

By usgrandprix, in Game Mechanics

1. On p. 219 it talks about beginning the game on the brink of falling to the Dark Side for credits or XP. But on p. 34 they can either adjust their Morality score OR take credits and/or XP. I think I might have missed something but this seems contradictory to me.

2. On p. 245 one of the rewards is an on-the-spot Morality increase. But in the book I can only ever see rules for adjusting Morality through the Conflict/d10 reckoning at the end of a session. Can someone please point me to where it discusses adjusting Morality outside that mechanic? If not, I think two systems for changing Morality seem a bit much to manage.


Item 1 - this has already been addressed in the Beta Updates. Short Version: Deep-six the text in the GM section and go by the material in the Character Creation chapter.

Item 2 - It's an adventure-specific thing, something possibly written when the Morality system was still being developed. Or could be that the author thought it was a fitting reward for the PCs for that specific scenario. Either way, it's an exception to the general rules.

Item 1 - this has already been addressed in the Beta Updates. Short Version: Deep-six the text in the GM section and go by the material in the Character Creation chapter.

Item 2 - It's an adventure-specific thing, something possibly written when the Morality system was still being developed. Or could be that the author thought it was a fitting reward for the PCs for that specific scenario. Either way, it's an exception to the general rules.

1. Thanks a bunch. I even read that but wasn't connecting in my head what text it replaces.

2. I run a mostly custom game so I'm trying to figure if I should be doing this. It seems rare so I think not until I see if this is a regular reward in other adventures.

Thanks for the reply.

I think for particularly heroic or self-sacrificing actions, a Morality boost could be a very fitting reward.

I think for particularly heroic or self-sacrificing actions, a Morality boost could be a very fitting reward.

Agreed. But the bar should be pretty high for that kind of reward, particularly if it's more than a point or two.

Vader knowingly sacrificing himself to save Luke from the Emperor at the end of RotJ would be such an action in my opinion.