Over the past few weeks I have been playing SF4 alot with friends and during that time I have began to really like using Blanka, and as the weeks rolled on I became better and better with him, And while I was at UK POTM I was talking to some guys about there possible new decks after the event had finished. During which I mentioned I would like to make a Blanka deck but then the true question came.. Chaos or Death
I have been trying to think of ways to combine the two resources into 1 deck but the synergey wasnt working as well as I wanted.
Obv fire is an option aswell, I will more than likely make a fire deck soon but for now I want to concentrate on either Chaos or Death..
Each resource has there own power cards.. Most of them that are hard to get can be proxied until I can get the real copies..There are a fair few that I do have but I just cant decide which would work better..
Stained Honor and Dread Pirate allow me to add any checked card I want to my hand..
Blanka's F and Tira's Contract is self explanitory
Blanka's F and Sting Like a Bee again self explanitory
Blanka's F and Meat Eater to give any attack powerful
N- Type Human and Her Own Agenda to drain there hand boost my next control check
Blanka's F and Tira's Contract again
Blanka's F with Mennuete Dance and Eiserne Drossel
Blanka's F and The Curse of Immortality
As you can see Chaos has more combos but the Death combos are good enough to use even though there are only a few of them..
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated on which way to build Blanka.