Defensive stance pg 220
" The character makes no attacks and instead concentrates entirely
on self-defence. Until the start of his next turn, the character can
only use his Reactions to make the Evasion Reaction , but may
make one additional Reaction, and all opponents suffer a –20
penalty to Weapon Skill tests made to attack him."
Evasion pg 220
" After a character is hit from an attack, but before damage is rolled,
he can attempt to negate the hit by making a Dodge or Parry test. "
So if i take a defensive stance, can I then use Parry to evade, which if successful, grants me an automatic return attack?
And with 'step aside' and 'counter attack' talents and the granted + 1 reaction from defensive stance means i could effectively dodge once and parry 3 times?
Reaction: dodge or parry
Bonus reaction: dodge or parry
Step aside: additional dodge
Counter Attack: additional parry
Final result, I have the chance of making 3 return attacks and make myself a harder target at the same time?