Some new character concepts ... enjoy

By Malthule, in Talisman Home Brews

Made some new characters this weekend but I can't figure out how to get my "Strange Eon's" version of them on this website so I'll just do the text version for any who care to see.

Treasure Hunter / Strength: 3, Craft: 3, Fate: 3

You are immune to the acquisition & shatter spells.

When you land on another player, you may exchange any magic item you own for any magic item of theirs.

After you roll the die for movement, but before you would any draw card(s), you may spend either a life or fate counter to look at the top 3 cards of the adventure or dungeon deck and put them back in any order.

Treant / Strength: 4, Craft: 3, Fate: 2

When you roll a die for movement, you may subtract one from the die roll. If doing this ever results in a "0" you must encounter the same space you are currently on (or encounter a character there instead)

Whenever a character starts their turn on a woods space, and you are currently on a woods or forest space, you may misdirect them per the spell (misdirection) and move their character instead that turn.

Whenever a character loses a life in a forest or woods space, you may gain a life.

Paladin / Strength: 4, Craft: 3, Fate: 2

The first time you visit the city, you may take a suit of armor from the purchase deck for free. This armor does not count against you as a held object.

You may Lay on Hands one time per game. (Begin the game with the healing spell to represent this ability) Cast this spell at anytime with an additional benefit of gaining 2 fate counters when it is cast. Shuffle it back into the spell deck when cast.

At anytime you acquire a magic weapon, and your craft is 6 or higher you may CHOOSE one of the following benefits as an additional ability until the end of the game ...

1) Roll two dice in combat and pick the highest roll.

2) Gain +2 to any combat against spirits, dragons, evil players or The Lord of Darkness.

Once one of these benefits is chosen, you may not use the other one.

I assume the Treant must subtract one from his movement? The text says may, and that doesn't make sense with the rest of the sentence.

Also, I think a Treant should be a bit stronger. Then again, maybe he can't use weapons? Just a thought.

I like the Treasure Hunter - would be an interesting character to try out.

A few suggestions:

-The Treant should have a higher strength and life... he's a frick'n tree. You could balance this by not allowing him to use weapons or armour.

-The Paladin's Laying-on-of-Hands should be the equivolent of the Troll's regeneration ability. He should not be allowed to attack any Good or Neutral characters. Any good character that moves peacefully into the Paladin's space may request the Paladin to heal him. The Paladin must obey the request, and the good character gains a Life. The Paladin then loses his next turn.