Predictions for the June STOG

By Bloodrunstrue, in UFS General Discussion

My prediction regarding _________ (fill in the blank) card:

If it is banned, people will complain.

If it is not banned, people will complain.

In the category of wishful thinking, I'd really like to see an announcement saying they're starting work on a card-by-card faq; a page or file or something that list the cards from each set with any notable errata, rulings, etc. that pertain to them. The search engine on these forums is close to useless, since it doesn't let you search a specific subforum or even just the ufs section, and even then many rulings were on the previous two forums and not particularly accessible. It'd be nice to have something one could quickly and easily consult during an event, as opposed to either spending several minutes digging through game of thrones, ufs deck building, etc. search results on the hope that the search engine turns up the rules question you need, or making a best-guess and posting a thread in rules q & a to get the right ruling well after the game in question is over. Of course, I don't think they really have the manpower for such a project, but one can dream.

Cetonis said:

In the category of wishful thinking, I'd really like to see an announcement saying they're starting work on a card-by-card faq; a page or file or something that list the cards from each set with any notable errata, rulings, etc. that pertain to them. The search engine on these forums is close to useless, since it doesn't let you search a specific subforum or even just the ufs section, and even then many rulings were on the previous two forums and not particularly accessible. It'd be nice to have something one could quickly and easily consult during an event, as opposed to either spending several minutes digging through game of thrones, ufs deck building, etc. search results on the hope that the search engine turns up the rules question you need, or making a best-guess and posting a thread in rules q & a to get the right ruling well after the game in question is over. Of course, I don't think they really have the manpower for such a project, but one can dream.

I agree, and I think I mentioned something very similar within the rules thread re: Turnabout. A little handbook or rules FAQ would go a long way for OP consistency.

- dut

I guess they are late on getting the STOG out eh?

it's supposed to be today they just never said what time it would be released.

Hi - Speaking as volunteer manpower who does the rules documents.

Current agenda:

  • Official Tournament Floor Rules - *Current project* - ETA before worlds.
  • Revision to AGR - ETA to complete to coincide with the release of set 13.

<This is actually major work, because each change to the AGR has to be noted in different colour text, and compiled in an updates section, and there are a lot of little tweaks.>

  • After that if the party working on the functional errata document hasn't finished producing it / made any headway on it, it then defaults to my next project.

That takes me out roughly to the end of the year with the various non-UFS projects also on my plate.

A card by card omni-faq is also a dream resource that is a dream of mine. We tried to start compiling one but there are a few problems:

1) It needs to have started back when the game begun. Because there is no collected resource, there is over 3300 cards to start documenting, possibly by the time someone gets to it, over 3500.

2) The AGR actually flips a number of pre-exisiting rulings. So if we were to pull a previous ruling on say Burning Knucle stating that it does go to the momentum, the AGR reverses that, so the old ruling no longer applies. While that's not a problem per sey, it's an added challenge.

3) The AGR also requires a fair amount of functional errata to be issued. Cards like Blood Runs True, *M. Bison*, and others are glaring examples that require functional errata. That's why it (functional errata) takes presidence over the Omni-Faq

I woke up in anticipation... I'm new to the game, but people have warned me that I should be expecting late releases on things from FFG, sets, etc.

Just Doin' Work said:

I woke up in anticipation... I'm new to the game, but people have warned me that I should be expecting late releases on things from FFG, sets, etc.

Just as an FYI:

FFG's office hours are from 10-6pm CST

While the SOTG may have been done last week, the web team tends to do site updates around the end of their day. So typically something that will be posted to the main page will be done between 1700-1800 CST, sometimes as late as 1900 depending on what's on the web team's plate.

So while folks may be waiting with baited breath, really, there's only a certain where it's going to happen if it's going to happen today.

You can stop speculating and read it, it is now live.

See you in the arena,


Antigoth said:

Hi - Speaking as volunteer manpower who does the rules documents.

Current agenda:

  • Official Tournament Floor Rules - *Current project* - ETA before worlds.
  • Revision to AGR - ETA to complete to coincide with the release of set 13.

<This is actually major work, because each change to the AGR has to be noted in different colour text, and compiled in an updates section, and there are a lot of little tweaks.>

  • After that if the party working on the functional errata document hasn't finished producing it / made any headway on it, it then defaults to my next project.


Let's hope they don't flake, because honestly you're an overworked volunteer.