I totally need to throw that in my promo blanka chaos fire kick deck. Thanks for the idea Shinji! Any other terrible cards I should start running?
Predictions for the June STOG
I just want to say this. Whoever thinks that 6 checks aren't viable needs to re look at things. In addition to what has been said, remember also Blinding Rage and Makai High Noble? Return to Southtown? Lynette's? End it All? Lone Wolf?
Plus the fact that John Macek's' Chun-Li that won NY Regionals had 23 6 checks, and my James Hata that competed on about even ground with Omar's Zangief ran 20. Everyone here in NY runs 6 checks of some sort, because the cards that have them are GOOD CARDS. And it's because of this 6 check abundance in an area with some of the best in the world, that I and others around maindeck Destiny in decks that use it.
dutpotd said:
a) Eat your shirt?
b) Never post again?
c) Stop quoting a great Canadian, which is what John Candy is, and show some respect for some of the people that spend time on these forums?
I'm personally hoping the answer is all of the above, but you never know.
And fyi, just becuase something 'doesn't see play' doesn't mean that it won't see play and that it isn't a valuable card in a well tuned deck, i.e. a chaos control check hack deck, granted chaos has access to the most hack cards...
One isn't enough. Some regionals, unfortunately, don't really have much caliber to report. If Maniac continually placed well, I'd gleefully eat my shirt, and respect people who use Maniac. But I'm not going to stop posting, and I'm going to quote John Candy as I see fit.
Also, dude, if a card doesn't see play, there's more than likely a good reason for why it doesn't. A lot of people list Air Stampede as a viable card, but how frequently has it seen play? Never, or not often, to my knowledge. Why? Well, Fire is in UFS limbo right now. Water has more options. All could likely use it, but All is...well, it's not my symbol, so I've no clue what attack options it has and uses. While I agree Air Stampede SHOULD see play, it simply does not, and likely won't for some time. Why? Well, it is reliant on the opponent having an asset in play, making it "situational" as opposed to "an auto-include". It does nothing else besides destroy assets (and be an attack). Also, off memory, it doesn't have a block.
When you list a card's use, you can't go off what "might" happen, and go off of what "does" happen. Like I said, if a card hasn't seen much or doesn't see play, there's likely a very distinct reason for that. Such is the case with Destiny. You can sit here all day and tell me its uses, to which I will simply respond, "Um, I KNOW its uses. I've read the card, and I'm telling you, in the current metagame, it is left at sideboard material at best, and even that's pushing it."
Either way, we seem to have reached the end of our debate.
I like toitles.
That is all.
Air stampede is a viable card on 3 symbols that either have better answers or arent up to snuff with the rest of the games symbols for other reasons.
If you think destiny is a crappy card, I invite you not to play it. Shinji i do remember a few posts now where you said that willfull was a bad card and didnt see play and then multiple people told you they ran it in thier top 8 decks are regional events. You can have whatever opinion you want, but destiny is a HIGHLY played card from all the events I've gone too. It has 1 ability you can utilize against a wide gammut of decks, and another can be the deathneal for others. If you dont think your going to need thoes abilities, then dont use it, but please dont tell us its a bad card. Situational maybe, I would go as far as saying limited even, but I can make a laundry list of cards that are massivley worse.
MarcoPulleaux said:
My posts are "spiteful"? To whom, may I ask, am I "spiting"? If somebody comes on this forum to talk trash about me (Shajir, AntiGoth, Tuesday, the list is huge), then be ready to get your ass verbally handed to you in a silver platter. The attitude you give to me will be returned equally. If I'm a "spiteful" villain for doing so, then they are guilty of instigating the very crime I'm committing.
Admiral Ren said:
Homme Chapeau said:
bloodocean said:
Insert Drama cat here. Or a Hatman photoshop creation.
Nothing here comes to mind.
I'd have more if René had sent me the pictures from the Canadian Nationals 2009.
will be done. need email. i forgot it.
also; regular drama cat or feline drama cat?
Feline Drama Cat.
also, [email protected]
MarcoPulleaux said:
One isn't enough. Some regionals, unfortunately, don't really have much caliber to report.
Seriously, as 'controversial as you are' tell me which regionals are not worthy of your opinion. I am surpised with you Shinji...??? You come across as someone who is strong enough to tell people what it is. Why don't you bash these folks' regionals' in their report threads and similar? Oh wait. Deep down you know that your opinion is subject to extreme 'lack of play' bias?
sir_shajir said:
MarcoPulleaux said:
If I remember correctly around a year to a year and half ago, a young man by the name of shinji m. stated on the furoms that military rank was too situational to use and that it sucked. I guess it sucked so much that it was an auto include in all air and order decks and it got banned because it warped the meta.
Thank you to Goth and Shajir for setting me straight, you Shinji aren't worth listening to.
Please stop quoting Mr. Candy, I organized a late night practice at the dome and I am semi-incapacitated and therefore have the support and mental tenacity to voice the notion, and to tell you, that you are no longer able to quote a funny-man who earned his place in society as a comic genius
And to keep on topic. My prediction is that the STOG addresses certain individuals and their disrespect for the paying and well-classed players of the great game that is UFS.
- dut
ps. This is the serious sh1t, - Feline Drama Cat, me wants to see.
edit. pps. I agree after having 'used' air stampede in more than one deck I can say it is too situational to run. That said, too bad it has nothing to do with Destiny and isn't even close to the same card = way to change the subject! And obviously becuase you are slowly admitting that you are wrong. i.e stop wasting my time, post something smart the first time out, I don't have the time to correct you without sending an invoice.
dutpotd said:
And to keep on topic. My prediction is that the STOG addresses certain individuals and their disrespect for the paying and well-classed players of the great game that is UFS.
- dut
Agreed, this forum is getting a little out of control with the mud slinging (although I find it absolutly hilarious). But before y'all point your pitchforks and torches at Shinji (who admitedly deserves some of the flack he gets), most of y'all gotta (myself included) look at yourselves. This topic went from predicitions of what the SotG (which is late again, but it's to be expected) to pretty much a dogpile on a guy trying to voice his opinions.
Whether he is right or wrong is inconsequential, it's his opinions. Top tier player or bottom of the barrel scrapping newb it doesn't matter. Everyone's opinions are just as warranted as everyone else's. Nobody has any right to bash, flame, or insult anyone based upon their own opinion.
It's funny actually if you think about it. Everyone says: "Well don't reply to Shinji and maybe he'll go away" and "I'm going to stop replying to you because it's like talking to a brick wall" (or somthing along those lines, it's four AM and I'm slightly anebriated) yet you all do, or you post in the same thread bashing the guy with your friends because he decideds to voice an opinion you don't like. Either way, he's going to defend himself whether you like it or not. If you want to stop a forum war there's one easy step: STOP REPLYING TO WHAT HE POSTS! My god people it's just that easy. Hell he's even said it himself, if you don't like what he writes, then don't read it! Or graze over it just so you know what the next six posts mean. Hell there's a whole bunch of people on these forums who I think have the maturaty of a ten year old who throw hissy fits when someone looks at them funny. Wanna know what I do? I ignore their posts. My god it's just that easy ladies and gentlemen!
I agree completely B-Rad. Thats why I rarely post on these forums anymore.
Homme Chapeau said:
Admiral Ren said:
Homme Chapeau said:
bloodocean said:
Insert Drama cat here. Or a Hatman photoshop creation.
Nothing here comes to mind.
I'd have more if René had sent me the pictures from the Canadian Nationals 2009.
will be done. need email. i forgot it.
also; regular drama cat or feline drama cat?
Feline Drama Cat.
also, [email protected]
B-Rad said:
Hey hey hey that's not true.
I know you read my posts.
Also, this topic has devolved into this
"#3 - Chaos has NEVER been a hack-based symbol, and never will be. "
Promo K' would like to have a good, long word with you. Out back.
Good luck opening the door though, every time you reach for that handle you'll somehow miss slightly and have to take a few steps back.
Tagrineth said:
"#3 - Chaos has NEVER been a hack-based symbol, and never will be. "
Promo K' would like to have a good, long word with you. Out back.
Good luck opening the door though, every time you reach for that handle you'll somehow miss slightly and have to take a few steps back.
And then, you'll feel a dark energy on the door, and never have access. Oh but if you get somehow luck to touch the knob, it all comes back, like a 2nd wind.
B-Rad said:
Agreed, this forum is getting a little out of control with the mud slinging (although I find it absolutly hilarious). But before y'all point your pitchforks and torches at Shinji (who admitedly deserves some of the flack he gets), most of y'all gotta (myself included) look at yourselves. This topic went from predicitions of what the SotG (which is late again, but it's to be expected) to pretty much a dogpile on a guy trying to voice his opinions.
Whether he is right or wrong is inconsequential, it's his opinions. Top tier player or bottom of the barrel scrapping newb it doesn't matter. Everyone's opinions are just as warranted as everyone else's. Nobody has any right to bash, flame, or insult anyone based upon their own opinion.
It's funny actually if you think about it. Everyone says: "Well don't reply to Shinji and maybe he'll go away" and "I'm going to stop replying to you because it's like talking to a brick wall" (or somthing along those lines, it's four AM and I'm slightly anebriated) yet you all do, or you post in the same thread bashing the guy with your friends because he decideds to voice an opinion you don't like. Either way, he's going to defend himself whether you like it or not. If you want to stop a forum war there's one easy step: STOP REPLYING TO WHAT HE POSTS! My god people it's just that easy. Hell he's even said it himself, if you don't like what he writes, then don't read it! Or graze over it just so you know what the next six posts mean. Hell there's a whole bunch of people on these forums who I think have the maturaty of a ten year old who throw hissy fits when someone looks at them funny. Wanna know what I do? I ignore their posts. My god it's just that easy ladies and gentlemen!
Correct poster is correct.
This, and you forgot one thing.
Nobody listens to what I say when they ardently claim that they do. I post monologue-length, detailed descriptions as to why I dislike cards, why they suck, why they should be banned, etc etc, and it simply goes in one ear and out the other.
I love a good argument...
I'll repeat that
I love a GOOD argument
Not a crappy one, which is all I ever receive
Also Shajir, wtf are you talking about? It's one thing to talk trash about me, but really, you have to go and make up stories about how I allegedly said Military Rank was situational?
You must be reeeeally reachin for excuses huh?
I have a list of people who have seen said post in the old STG furoms, those include
BM, MorningDemon, Cos, Loki_5k, Link, (maybe b-rad) and trust me, we were all dumbfounded by this comment.
MarcoPulleaux said:
Nobody listens to what I say when they ardently claim that they do. I post monologue-length, detailed descriptions as to why I dislike cards, why they suck, why they should be banned, etc etc, and it simply goes in one ear and out the other.
First off posting Monologue length anything does not inherently add any weight or validity to an argument.
Second maybe people dont read because they are too long.
Just saying.
Wall of text is Wall of text.
Protoaddict said:
MarcoPulleaux said:
Nobody listens to what I say when they ardently claim that they do. I post monologue-length, detailed descriptions as to why I dislike cards, why they suck, why they should be banned, etc etc, and it simply goes in one ear and out the other.
First off posting Monologue length anything does not inherently add any weight or validity to an argument.
Second maybe people dont read because they are too long.
Just saying.
People don't read because of Shinji post.
MarcoPulleaux said:
B-Rad said:
Agreed, this forum is getting a little out of control with the mud slinging (although I find it absolutly hilarious). But before y'all point your pitchforks and torches at Shinji (who admitedly deserves some of the flack he gets), most of y'all gotta (myself included) look at yourselves. This topic went from predicitions of what the SotG (which is late again, but it's to be expected) to pretty much a dogpile on a guy trying to voice his opinions.
Whether he is right or wrong is inconsequential, it's his opinions. Top tier player or bottom of the barrel scrapping newb it doesn't matter. Everyone's opinions are just as warranted as everyone else's. Nobody has any right to bash, flame, or insult anyone based upon their own opinion.
It's funny actually if you think about it. Everyone says: "Well don't reply to Shinji and maybe he'll go away" and "I'm going to stop replying to you because it's like talking to a brick wall" (or somthing along those lines, it's four AM and I'm slightly anebriated) yet you all do, or you post in the same thread bashing the guy with your friends because he decideds to voice an opinion you don't like. Either way, he's going to defend himself whether you like it or not. If you want to stop a forum war there's one easy step: STOP REPLYING TO WHAT HE POSTS! My god people it's just that easy. Hell he's even said it himself, if you don't like what he writes, then don't read it! Or graze over it just so you know what the next six posts mean. Hell there's a whole bunch of people on these forums who I think have the maturaty of a ten year old who throw hissy fits when someone looks at them funny. Wanna know what I do? I ignore their posts. My god it's just that easy ladies and gentlemen!
Correct poster is correct.
This, and you forgot one thing.
Nobody listens to what I say when they ardently claim that they do. I post monologue-length, detailed descriptions as to why I dislike cards, why they suck, why they should be banned, etc etc, and it simply goes in one ear and out the other.
I love a good argument...
I'll repeat that
I love a GOOD argument
Not a crappy one, which is all I ever receive
Also Shajir, wtf are you talking about? It's one thing to talk trash about me, but really, you have to go and make up stories about how I allegedly said Military Rank was situational?
You must be reeeeally reachin for excuses huh?
I can understand this, but put the shoe on the other foot. The reason we started this discussion is becuase it is my opinion that you aren't providing a GOOD argument for why it is okay to flat out deny Destiny of it's place as a good card, and in more than one respect. What follows is a lot of BAD arguments from you, constantly referring back to power symbols and results that you yourself call 'skewed', and mis-characterizing the Chaos symbol.
And to this extent.... What is a GOOD argument for you? Do you even know what you are looking for? Should we expect the same from you? Or is a good argument one that ends in people telling you that you are allowed your own opinion, B-rad and the obvious here, nice to have a voice of reason though ^^
Re: your monologues, people do read them, at least I do. And like I said, most of them are well thought out, but there is always going to be a signfiicant difference between something being listened to and someone actually agreeing with what is being said, something tells me you are getting the two confused and on more than one occasion.
Perhaps the only thing that bugs me about you are your short posts. Your short, static, comments that are either painful to read becuase they are dripping wtih sarcasm/malicious intent OR are just attempts to cause retaliation and the argument itself, in doing so you are finding what you love (arguments) but you are cheapening them becuase they are simply manufactured by your own deliberate ignorance.
There is a reason people don't read a lot of what you have to say, or do not listen to what you say, it has a great deal to do with the way you present yourself, and not actually the contents of your posts. That is my opinion.
- dut
Oh I have really missed this drama
And shinji........your posts make my visits to this forum deeply entertaining, i am very concerned thought about the male stripper comment........I assume that was a short lived career choice?
I'm really hoping for some tekken previews, other than that i can't really comment on the meta, I haven't played competitively in a while.
Anyone know the characters that are being released for tekken? All i have found out is Nina and that's only if I'm trusting wiki.
Chris-Cymru said:
Anyone know the characters that are being released for tekken? All i have found out is Nina and that's only if I'm trusting wiki.
Nope. It's being kept under tight lock and key until they reveal to us who it is.
dutpotd said:
Perhaps the only thing that bugs me about you are your short posts. Your short, static, comments that are either painful to read becuase they are dripping wtih sarcasm/malicious intent
I thought you were talking to Shinji
Homme Chapeau said:
Chris-Cymru said:
Anyone know the characters that are being released for tekken? All i have found out is Nina and that's only if I'm trusting wiki.
Nope. It's being kept under tight lock and key until they reveal to us who it is.
ahh that sucks. Although most people can probably make an intelligent guess as to who is going to be in the set, otherwise it would be like having SF01 without chun li
Thoses are my 2 predictions for the SOTG. Yet they end up in the same result so i"ll deliver in comics.
(right click is your friend)