Soul Grinder Card Ability while exhausted.

By xxxxDMANxxxx, in Warhammer 40,000: Conquest - Rules Questions

If a Soul Grinder comes to a planet from the Hq exhausted does he still trigger his ability to make the opponent sacrifice a unit for winning the command struggle?

Unless it says the unit must be ready or has to exhaust to perform its ability then it can still use it whether ready or exhausted.

Edited by Toqtamish

Worth pointing out that the soul grinder itself is adding no command icons while exhausted though.

@Feesh: Could you point me in the direction of the rule that states exhausted units don't contribute to command struggles?


@Phaedros : Learn to play rules, Page 7, Step 2, 2nd skull point, 'the player with the most command icons on ready units at the planet wins that command struggle.' in the rules, the word ready is bolded for emphasis.

Thanks loki, I kinda forgot about the L2P book after a brief skim and dove into the RRG.

Pretty sure it comes under the relevant timing step in the RR as well but I don't have it in front of me to check.

RRG page 24, section 2.5.