Game Night Kits for the Skirmish version?

By MarcOfTheCross, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

Now that the rules for the Skirmish version of the game has been released, will we see Organized Play Support as well?

FFG stated at Gencon that the plan is full OP support; store champs; regional, worlds for the skirmish game. I'd use xwing OP as a guide on what to expect.

Edit: I realised it sounded like I knew something, when really I'm only repeating what I heard FFG state. And I've come to realize until FFG does it, they can always change their minds.

Edited by tofubones

The plan is full OP support; store champs; regional, worlds; I'd use xwing OP as a guide on what to expect.

good to know. :)

FFG stated at Gencon that the plan is full OP support; store champs; regional, worlds for the skirmish game. I'd use xwing OP as a guide on what to expect.

Edit: I realised it sounded like I knew something, when really I'm only repeating what I heard FFG state. And I've come to realize until FFG does it, they can always change their minds.

That will be awesome! I'll just have to hope that people in my area will play it.

Yeah, I'm excited for it. I collected WotC Star Wars Miniatures, but didn't realized there were competitions for it until after it ended. It would be fun to try my hand at an organized competitive miniatures game.

I'm guessing there will be OP kits and probably (hopefully) game night kits (GNK) like they have for Descent. It'll be fun, can't wait to get my hands on the game and try it out.

Hopefully the game night and op kits wont just focus on the skirmish. I want acrylic tokens, I want screen capture alternate art of mains such as luke, vader, storm tropers and nexu. I know ffg does not do different stat cards but i would love that for this game. But like i said, their business model doesnt utilze exlusive restatted cards, which is fine and fair. I am sure ffg will not dissapoint us. So far I have loved X-wing and all they have done with it. The lcg not so much, i really tried to like it, and have myself an impressive collection even with signed cards. But the limited build options irritate me, like you can only win by playing the same tournament archetypes over and over. It gives very little room for theme building like the old decipher ccg gave us.

What are OP kits and GNK?

Organised Play and Game Night Kits. Material to promote score and reward those taking part. Prizes could be anything from unique cards to accessories or models. Scaled from small events to big competitioons., run by game stores or clubs.

What types of stuff did they release for X-Wing? It's not Wizkids where they release special miniatures, right?

What types of stuff did they release for X-Wing? It's not Wizkids where they release special miniatures, right?

No its just different card art, Counters, Dice bags, Etc

Question at local tournaments do you think people will care about custom figures so they match the card art even if tournament rules say you cant? I don't see the big deal if you own the real figure at a fun tournament. I really want to play Luke in Trooper armor with Fenn and other troopers so I can really have a true Trooper squad.

I get that it won't be legal at Regionals, Store champs, Nationals etc.

Edited by Jonnyb815

What types of stuff did they release for X-Wing? It's not Wizkids where they release special miniatures, right?

No its just different card art, Counters, Dice bags, Etc

Question at local tournaments do you think people will care about custom figures so they match the card art even if tournament rules say you cant? I don't see the big deal if you own the real figure at a fun tournament. I really want to play Luke in Trooper armor with Fenn and other troopers so I can really have a true Trooper squad.

I get that it won't be legal at Regionals, Store champs, Nationals etc.