H: Knight Breaker and BRT W: Menuett Dance

By Duckman2, in UFS Trading

Fair warning I live in New Zealand so all trades are international. I do not currently have any trade feedback on these forums but did have 20+ Positive and no Negatives on the STG ones (been out of the game for awhile), and I thought it had carried over to the interim forums but I guess not. I am a fan of simul-send, if you are not for whatever reason please don't bother asking me to send first, it takes too long and I have been burned before. Please post if you make an offer but also email details to;

[email protected].

This list is by no means exhaustive, just covers things people may actually want. Missing sets between Realm of Midnight and Set 12 due to lapse in playing, but have The King of Fighters 2006 Uncommons etc. Set 12 should be arriving shortly so this will change in a week or so but in the mean time...

WANTS (in order of wantyness)-

5x Menuett Dance

2x Shredding Vibrato (2 pending in)

4x The Wrath of Heaven (1 pending in)

3x Fury of the Ancients

4x Feline Spike

1x Padma

1x Cassandra* (SCIV)


SET 12 -

Assets -

1x Ice Coffin of the Sleeping Ancient

1x Wolfkrone Monument

1x Sailor's Rest

1x Tower of Rememberance - Encounter

2x Tower of Rememberance - Spiral of Time

3x Tower of Rememberance - Degradation

1x Kunpaetku Shrine - Dream Remenants

1x Kulutues*

1x Psuedo Soul Edge

3x Psuedo Soul Calibur

1x Soul Calibur*

3x Soul Edge*

2x Valentine*

2x Acheron and Nirvana

4x Ostrheinsburg Castle - Twilight

4x Gianzende Nova and Frischer Himmel

Actions -

5x Aura on Strength

3x Immovable Object

2x No Forgiveness!

2x Hunger for Souls

Attacks -

2x Knight Breaker (1 pending out)

4x Siren's Call

1x Raging Gnome

1x Siegfired's Earth Divide

2x Lightening Horn

1x Hades

1x Alshain Najn

2x Dark Geo Da Ray

4x Curse of the Ancient Mariner

Foundations -

1x Flexible Body

2x Challenge to Battle (1 pending out)

5x Atoning for Wicked Deeds

3x Anger Towards a God

3x Researching ANywhere

3x Artificial Soul

5x No Mercy

3x Mesmerizing dance

2x Temporary Beings

2x Memories That Stain it's Armour

4x Tower of Souls


Promos -

4x Blood Runs True

5x Olcadan's Mentoring

4x Tira's Contract

3x Heel Snipe

3x Greed's Influence

Xx Revenant's Calling

Xx Amy's Assistance

Xx Hwang's Protection

4x Lynette's, Valeria's and Hualin's Shop

13+ All Assets of Power (including Seal of Cessation)

Assets -

1x Inner Circle

1x Treasured Gift

1x Arrogance

1x Family Heirloom (1 pending out)

1x Sucha Popular Person

1x The Maxima Reactor

4x Yun's Cap

4x Blowfish Blade

4x Mysterious Stance

3x Government Sponsorship

3x School Uniform

1x White Gi

1x Orange Gi

Actions -

5x Reckless and Impulsive

4x Backslash

2xTae Kwon Do Strike

2x Punish the Weak

2x Mark of the Wolf

1x God Hand

1x Special Ops

1x Self-Diagnosis Program

5x Dan's Taunt

1x Ulterior Motives

4x Begin Anew

2x Taking in Students

5x Yoga Adept (1 pending out)

4x Through the Defenses


3x Dark Force: Mirage Body

2x Hallowed Slug of the Heavenly Conquerer

2x Dynamite Drop

1x Wind Storm

2x Double Mittwoch

3x Swallow Slam

1x Yuri's Super Upper

4x Senkyutai

1x Hozanto

5x Beast Hurricane

4x Amazon River Run

4x Yuchoka

2x Psycho Cannon

2x Psycho Break Smasher

Deck Rares -

2x Blinding Rage

2x Tiger Fury

4x The Gorgeous Team

4x Rejection

Legacy/Uncommmons -

EVERYTHING. Name an Ultra Rare/Rare/Promo/Uncommon from Block 1 and most of Block 2 and we have at least 8. So if you need ANYTHING from Sets 1-9 (Infiltrating, Shadow Banishment, Start Over, Moonbeam Slicer, Chain Throw blah blah blah) let me know.

My Feline Spike for your Knight Breaker? LMK

I have Padma and Cassandra (SCIV). I am interested in a Blood Runs True.

TheBat said:

I have Padma and Cassandra (SCIV). I am interested in a Blood Runs True.

I just saw your thread, and I have ALL your Legacy Wants. Could probably do ALL for the 2 Characters if you're interested. Can email me if you want.

I e-mailed you. Looking forward to your response