Medpacs, Toolkits, and Slicer Gear: Oh my!

By sparker, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

At a minimum a slicer would have to have a Datapad or some equivilent. It's like trying to pick a master lock with your fingers. (Hence the need for Lock picking tools to pick locks in fantasy RPGs) Either they won't fit in the key slot or in the case of a combination lock, (a terminal with a keyboard) it will take you an extreme amount of time. (days to write back door code or algorithms to figure out passwords [/size] without any hint to user access codes) Even R2-D2 who had a processor for a brain and a direct interface (pre-installed slicer tool, pretty sure C3PO didn't have one so it isn't common to all droids) took time to unlock doors and find schematics to shut down trash compactors. I am pretty sure the average PC is not capable of that kind of calculation and speed typing. This is what slicer tools are for. It isn't like you can just grab a hairpin or a peice of straw and fiddle around with the innards of a computer until you hear a clicking sound. (Also a mechanics check)

(I love that my last post was completely glossed over except for a 'like' from whafrog (thanks for that) and addresses all of the arguments still being made)

Your post was glossed over because it has terrible formatting and looks like a huge wall of text. Besides that though, its missing my point.

The original statement was that absolutely 100% no slicing can occur unless the slicer has slicer tools. Then it was added, well maybe a at least a data pad. I understand full well what having the right tools for the job means. My only contention was the absolute nature of that statement.

Yes, obviously a computer with no input device or display will need something to access. I never argued otherwise. Heck, even the Wookieepeida entry on Slicers talks about slicing by hand. To outright disallow it without the slicer gear in all cases is overly harsh.

That is all I'm trying to say. Considering the cost of slicer gear is equal to the starting credits of a new character, I don't think the designers intended a PC to need them for every attempt at slicing anything. Some things, yes. Not everything.

I'm completely convinced they intended you to take extra obligation for credits. After all, no self respecting bounty hunter, hired gun, or soldier has anything less than a blaster rifle. And you can't buy that with 500 credits.

And really if you are a slicer, even if you didnt choose to start with slicer gear you should have enough credits to buy some within a couple sessions.