Basic rules clarifications (re: movement)

By NigelTufnel, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

A few questions regarding movement:

1. Is it correct that, when moving, a figure may move to any adjacent empty space to which it has LoS?

- Would this include moving diagonally around a corner? Or, diagonally between two diagonally adjacent obstacles or enemies? For example:

[ E ] [ Y ]

[ X ] [ C ]

- So, in the above diagram (where 'E' is an enemy figure, 'C' is a corner, and 'Y' is the empty space around the corner), could 'X' move to 'Y'?

- What if 'C' were another enemy? Could 'X' still slip between them diagonally?

2. Can heroes intentionally enter pits, and how does this work?

3. Can heroes burn vitality for movement points even when choosing to attack twice?

4. Can heroes use a 'Guard' order to attack a creature that hasn't moved or been activated?


1. Is it correct that, when moving, a figure may move to any adjacent empty space to which it has LoS?

- Would this include moving diagonally around a corner? Or, diagonally between two diagonally adjacent obstacles or enemies? For example:

[ E ] [ Y ]

[ X ] [ C ]

- So, in the above diagram (where 'E' is an enemy figure, 'C' is a corner, and 'Y' is the empty space around the corner), could 'X' move to 'Y'?

- What if 'C' were another enemy? Could 'X' still slip between them diagonally?

Yes, Heroes and monsters can move diagonally. X can move to Y in your example, even if it was a monster.

2. Can heroes intentionally enter pits, and how does this work?

Yes they can. I think it's 1 movement point to go down, but 2 movement point to get out (need to verify).

3. Can heroes burn vitality for movement points even when choosing to attack twice?

Hero can use fatigue to get movement points and still do battle. Example, using 2 fatigue, moving 2 space and doing battle. But a hero cannot drink a vitality potion and do battle only he uses a fatigue point to drink it.

4. Can heroes use a 'Guard' order to attack a creature that hasn't moved or been activated?

If I recall correctly, Guard can be used anytime to interrupt the Overlord's turn.

NigelTufnel said:

A few questions regarding movement:

1. Is it correct that, when moving, a figure may move to any adjacent empty space to which it has LoS?

- Would this include moving diagonally around a corner? Or, diagonally between two diagonally adjacent obstacles or enemies? For example:

[ E ] [ Y ]

[ X ] [ C ]

- So, in the above diagram (where 'E' is an enemy figure, 'C' is a corner, and 'Y' is the empty space around the corner), could 'X' move to 'Y'?

- What if 'C' were another enemy? Could 'X' still slip between them diagonally?

2. Can heroes intentionally enter pits, and how does this work?

3. Can heroes burn vitality for movement points even when choosing to attack twice?

4. Can heroes use a 'Guard' order to attack a creature that hasn't moved or been activated?


1. Yes (assuming it has the MP required).
Diagonal movement is allowed, even through your examples. See pg 9 diagram for a movement example of exactly what you asked.
Enemy, corner, friend, obstacle, none make a difference (except of course a grappling enemy, for a different reason).

2. Yes. Simply spend one MP to 'jump' (move) into the pit. Take 1 wound. It costs extra MP to get out of course... See pg 16.

3. Yes. Choosing to Battle gives you 2 attacks and 0MP. You still have all normal options available. You can spend Fatigue to get MP, drink potions, or do any other Movement Action ) open doors, chests, etc).

4. Yes. A Guard order may be used at any time in the OL's turn (including before the OL has drawn cards or threat). If the OL does not wish to activate some or all monsters he should inform the players that he has had his chance to activate all monsters and his turn is about to end (see pg 9, past paragraph of "Step 3: Activate monsters") - the Guard then has a last opportunity to act whether against an activated monster or an unactivated monster (or in the case of Talia, even against no monster at all!).

also instead of using one MP to go in the pit, and two MP to get out, you could youse three MP to just jump over it.

StarBurn said:

also instead of using one MP to go in the pit, and two MP to get out, you could youse three MP to just jump over it.

And not take the 1 wound.

StarBurn said:

also instead of using one MP to go in the pit, and two MP to get out, you could youse three MP to just jump over it.

Diving into the pit costs less MP if the pit is several spaces long.

1 MP and 1 wound to enter a pit
1 MP to move from one pit space to an adjacent pit space.
2 MP to move from a pit space to an adjacent non-pit space

Jumping costs 3 MP for each space that you jump over

There are also legitimate reasons for wanting to be in a pit. Sometimes you need to escape a rolling boulder or crushing wall, sometimes you need to stand in the pit to make a particular attack, sometimes you only have 1 MP left and don't want to waste it, etc.