A few questions regarding movement:
1. Is it correct that, when moving, a figure may move to any adjacent empty space to which it has LoS?
- Would this include moving diagonally around a corner? Or, diagonally between two diagonally adjacent obstacles or enemies? For example:
[ E ] [ Y ]
[ X ] [ C ]
- So, in the above diagram (where 'E' is an enemy figure, 'C' is a corner, and 'Y' is the empty space around the corner), could 'X' move to 'Y'?
- What if 'C' were another enemy? Could 'X' still slip between them diagonally?
2. Can heroes intentionally enter pits, and how does this work?
3. Can heroes burn vitality for movement points even when choosing to attack twice?
4. Can heroes use a 'Guard' order to attack a creature that hasn't moved or been activated?