So, reading Leela's ability one thought came to mind: what will happen if I play
and get an Agenda as the first card I access?
My opinion is that I would have immediately to derez something (Personal Evolution activates immediately on stealing after all), but then what happens to HQ?
Does the Corp shuffle it back with the new card in it, or I keep accessing, and just ignore or access the new card, since I know which one is it?
Seems to me the Corp should shuffle, but it doesn't sound a normal thing to do while in the middle of a multi access.
Leela Patel - Legwork
Firtly, uninstalling is NOT derezzing. Don't mix those terms up; it makes cards like Crescentus scary powerful.
Secondly, you always fully resolve an access (and anything that triggers from said access) before you access another card. So yes, the Corp will pick up the unrezzed card of your choice and put it back in HQ.
You're always accessing randomly anyway, so yes, it should be shuffled. If the Corp shuffles during any normal multi-access it's irrelevant as the cards aren't returned to HQ. You can and should have the chance to pull the newly pulled card.
Try and use this to your advantage - Legwork when you suspect an Agenda in-hand AND on the table, and bounce the suspect Agenda back to HQ. Even better if it's part-advanced as it's a tempo hit to the Corp.
Edited by CommissarFeesh
Yeah sorry, mixed the terminology.
Anyway thanks for your answer!