Here is some changes to the dodge rules that I have made to try and make combat a bit more fluid. We have only had limited testing so I'm not sure how well they work out in gameplay but the idea is to have it so people can't just dodge gunfire standing out in the open and continue on. They either run for cover or they hit the deck. Coupled with this is a change to the blast rule where weapon damage drops off with range which allows people to dodge blast weapons even if they cant get completely out of their range, to compensate I also increase blast weapons damage by 2. Let me know what you think. (sections in bold are changes)
Dodge (Agility)
Dodge is the ability to avoid blows in melee, duck incoming fire or leap out of the way of falling debris. It combines nimbleness of movement with trained reflexes and an awareness of all kinds of danger. A character can use his Dodge Skill to dodge either melee attacks or ranged attacks. Dodging attacks is a made in response to a foe’s successful attack. If dodging a ranged attack the character must do one of 2 things. If he is within his agility bonus meters of cover that he can hide behind he may move into that cover, if he is not he must go prone but can move up to half his Ag bonus in meters. If the character is already prone he must move at least 1 m and can move up to half his Ag Bonus in meters. A success indicates that the attack has been avoided and it does not hit the character. In the case of attacks which cause multiple hits (such as automatic fire) each Degree of Success a character achieves on his Dodge Test discounts one hit from the attack. Any excess hits not discounted by dodging are then applied to the character as normal.
The GM may call on a player to use the Dodge Skill when:
They are attacked in melee.
They are attacked with a ranged weapon.
They need to avoid hazards such as falling wreckage or leap from a collapsing bridge.
Dodge Modifiers
+10 - You are on higher level than your opponent (At least a meter, the GM may determine that this must be more depending on the circumstance)
-10 - Your opponent is on higher level.
-20 - Character is in a tunnel, corridor or other confined space where there is not a lot of room to manoeuvre.
Blast (X)
Many missiles, grenades, and some guns create an explosion when they hit their target. When working out a hit from a Blast weapon, anyone within the weapon’s blast radius in metres, indicated by the number in parentheses, is also hit. Blast weapon damage reduces the further away from the blast that you are, each full meter from the blast reduces the targets damage by 2 so a person standing 3m away would reduce their damage by 6. Roll Damage separately for each person affected by the blast.
Evading Auto-Fire, Multiple Attacks and Area Effect Attacks
Some attacks—such as those made with grenades, flamers, or guns firing semi-automatic or fully-automatic bursts—are especially difficult to avoid. When Dodging an area effect weapon (such as a weapon with the Blast or Spray Qualities), a successful Dodge Test moves the character away from the center of the blast up to his Ag bonus in meters . If the character is unable to be moved out of the way due to an obstruction of some sort (such as when they are within the confines of a tight corridor), then the Dodge Test automatically fails. When Evading Swift Attacks, Lightning Attacks, Full Auto Bursts, Semi-Auto Bursts, or any weapon with the Twin-Linked Quality, each Degree of Success on the Dodge Test negates one additional hit. When Evading weapons with the Storm Quality, each Degree of Success on the Dodge Test negates two hits.
Edited by Kaihlik