Will you purpose some sleeves for the extra size character boards ?
Will you purpose some sleeves for the extra size character boards ?
I ask again a answer, please.
I'm also curious about those sleeves. I have just overpaid for custom ones.
As this card size is used in several games, I'm surprised there is no adequate ffg supply in offer.
I use ultra pro 4x6 sleeves. The character boards are 4x5 used in many FFG games. Simply slip your character sheet into the 4x6 sleeve and I use a professional photographers guillotine to trim off the near 1inch excess. The result is a perfect tight fit for your now, safely protected character sheets.
This post is old, but these will work: https://sleevekings.com/products/sleeve-kings-super-large-sleeves-102x127mm-110-pack-60-microns-2