I got a slightly different problem. Sometimes I plot a course as sergeant doing very logical things (to me at least) like "we have people available so multiple persons see if they can find out what that weird thing over there is" or "don't flip levers, push buttons or mash on computer keyboards if you don't know what they do" and have the squad object. Not to mention trying to hear if something is moving inside an unknown room before barging in was described as "overly cautious". The room was located in Ork infested territory.
Does not wanting the squad to randomly barge in on large groups of things that can kill us make me a bad sergeant?
Sometimes I think they are running on video game logic. If there is a button, push it. If there is a lever, flip it. If there is a barrel, see if it contains a Vorpal Sword +4.
How does one deal with this?