Long story short.
I have 4 players. Medic, operator, sergant and weapon specialist.
Player playing operator has good tactical thinking and pretty decent roleplay while medic is good with talking and roleplaying. Problem is that player playing sergant genneraly make bad calls, often think very long before making decision and other players are pissed. Last session sergant decided to take on 100 orks and it resulted almost in TPK. Players can;t do much since they want to respect the chain of command and it would be OOC to lead.
So i need opinions how to handle sergant. I thought of 3 options
1. Kill him in game but i think that player may feel bad since i killed him with no reason
2. Talk to him and tell him to roll another character (not sure how will he react)
3. Demote him and promote other player.
What is best and most gentle course of action. Of course i was talking with him before about is roleplaying and that maybe sergant is not best option for him but he decided he want it anyway. Now most session are destroyed due to poor leadership. I know it's probably a dumb question but i would like to know how other people dealt with situations like that.