I've read everything on actions and also the deploy phase, as well as the flowchart. But I'm still confused as to when you would use a card like Pact of the Haemonculi (a Dark Eldar card). On page 3 it states: "Some Action effects have a phase name as a precursor to the word "Action". Such effects are still considered Action effects, with the restriction that they can only be initiated during an action window in the specified phase. " However, on the flowchart there is no action window for the Deploy phase so how would you play a card like Pact of the Haemonculi since it says "Deploy Action:" ?
Depoly actions
In the deployment phase you each take "deployment turns". On a deployment turn you may do one of the three following things:
- Deploy a card
- Initiate an action
- Pass
So you have a action window whenever it's your turn in the deployment phase.
I guess I'm good with that. It's confusing because during the Combat phase you have Combat turns also, yet the flowchart lists an action window after each turn. No such thing in the Deploy phase. But as long as it works I'm fine with it. Thanks Drust.
Yeah, the rules state that taking an Action in the Deploy phase is an exception to the normal rule that Actions can only be taken during an Action Window.
I'd give the page reference but I don't have it; I'm at work right now.
RRG page 23.
The reason for the inconsistency in how actions are timed during the Deploy Phase is based in the rule that once you pass on a Deploy Turn in the Deploy Phase, you are done with everything for the rest of the phase. Obviously, that's pretty different from Player Action Windows.
The reason for the inconsistency in how actions are timed during the Deploy Phase is based in the rule that once you pass on a Deploy Turn in the Deploy Phase, you are done with everything for the rest of the phase. Obviously, that's pretty different from Player Action Windows.
Very well said. And for brand new players such as myself, who don't even have any cards yet, this explanation helps tremendously.