Passive interrupts

By PaleKing, in Warhammer 40,000: Conquest - Rules Questions


Looking at the timing of the abilities of the Tau card Ambush Platform got me wondering:

" Interrupt : when you deploy an attachment reduce it's cost by 1.

Combat Action : Exhaust this support to deploy an attachment from your hand."

My question is, can an exhausted card use it's interrupt ability? In this case for example to reduce a cost of deploying a card? I cant find anything in the rules for that but perhaps I'm missing something there.


Yes, that interrupt is always eligible to be triggered. So you have it in play, it allows you to play an Ion Rifle for free. You have two in play, and you trigger one to put a Gun Drone on a unit, for free; you trigger the second platform to deploy a second Gun Drone, it is also free.

An ability can always be used as long as you can pay all costs. Some abilities require you to exhaust the card, in which case the ability text will instruct you to do so. If the card doesn't specify that the card must be ready, or that you must exhaust the card to get the effect, then it doesn't have to be.

Edited by CommissarFeesh