As far as comrades go, I allow my players to roll on a table for a random Common Lore or Trade skill to reflect their background, as well as letting them roll for tests using player stats when out of cohesion. As long as they're in cohesion, the players count as having that skill. Our sergeant burned through comrades so fast trying to get Trade (Armorer) that I had him report before a tribunal to explain the atrocious attrition rate in his squad. After making him sweat in front of 3 Commissars, and some excellent roleplaying/rolling on his part, I gave him a comrade with the skill he wanted.Who promptly had his throat cut in the encounter described above lol
I am going to steal the **** out of this rule. I am thinking of also giving the PCs the option of choosing which skill their comrade gets, from a premade list (yo, hook us up with that list) at the cost of 100xp. Thoughts? Random skill rolling might be more fun.