This is notion that dogfacedboyuk1 actually sparked for me... what if all adventurers started with even stats (let's stay 3 for Strength, Craft, and Fate) and had no special abilities? Another option might be to give say 9 points to players to distribute among Starting Strength, Craft, and Fate... and max of 5 applied to any one of them.
Abilities would be gained by new "Ability" cards through actually accomplishing or doing or encountering something successfully multiple times. All other aspects of the game would remain unaffected and would still work with standard players. If someone, say, still drew a Guide follower, then they wouldn't need to spend time trying to get the either the Forestwise or Cragwise abilities (see below).
It this takes off as a notion for a fun alternative in playing Talisman, I'll look at creating the necessary components in the near future. So have at it!!! Here's some simple examples to start with (card titles subject to change), and others should join in with suggestions for other Abilities as found on the character cards (staring with only the standard characters first).
Forestwise : If you have successfully encountered the Forest three times where you were never "Lost" you gain this ability. You now may choose not to roll in the Forest.
Cragwise: If you have successfully encountered the Crags three times where you were never "Lost" you gain this ability. You now may choose not to roll in the Crags.
Chasmwise: If you have successfully encountered the Chasm three times without a loss, you gain this ability. You now may add +1 when rolling in the Chasm.
Spellcraft: If you have successfully gained and used three Spells with success each time, you gain this ability, but it may only be taken while in the Ruins or Runes spaces. You now always have 1 Spell if your Craft allows.
Magecraft: If you have successfully gained and used nine Spells with success each time, you gain this ability. You now always have your full compliment of Spells according to your Craft.
Fated: If you have successfully used a Fate point to advantage five times, you gain this ability. Your Starting Fate has increased by 1
Battlewise: Discard 21 points of Strength trophies without taking Strength points and you gain this ability. You may roll two dice in Battle and choose the higher roll.
Pyschic: Discard 21 points of Craft trophies without taking Craft points and you gain this ability. You may now engage other adventurers and Enemies with both Strength and Craft in Psychic Combat by choice.
Spiritwise: Discard 21 points of Craft trophies without taking Craft points and you gain this ability. You may roll two dice in Psychic Combat and choose the higher roll.
Obviously there's some problems with recordkeeping here that could get too messy for most wanting a pre-made powerhouse character. Other options for mechanics are welcome, but should be centered on acquiring abilities based on repeated actions, encounters, etc. where some criteria of "success" is involved. In addition, it might be best if the number of cards for each ability was not the same. Certain more potent abilities might have fewer cards available, and its first come first serve. As said, have at it if this notion sounds amusing.
As said, this is for alternative play and also not intended to be a additions for standard characters. Obviously some alternative generic character cards might be needed as well. Although...
I could imagine this being used in conjunction with standard characters, though the cost for adding additional abilities to such should be even higher than suggested here. I think dogfacedboyuk1's way for this option is better if your look HERE .