This atachment when exausted durind first round of combat is refreshed for second round or is exausted untill the end of combat?
Iron halo
At the end of a combat round, units refresh. Iron Halo is an attachment, not a unit. As such, it must wait until the HQ phase to refresh.
The atachements that do not say in the card that get exausted, never get exausted?
There is one atachement that doubles a unit hp, this one does not get exausted?
Edited by MEGAEINSTEINRule Reference Guide (RRG), p.26:
"3.2.9 Combat round ends
The atachements that do not say in the card that get exausted, never get exausted?
There is one atachement that doubles a unit hp, this one does not get exausted?
Cards only exhaust when a game rule or card effect tells you to exhaust them.
Note that exhausting a card does not "turn off" the card or its abilities -- it only prevents you from using them for things that require them to exhaust (such as attacking or paying the cost of an ability that says "Exhaust this card to..."), so it's not like exhausting a card that says "attached card gains 2 ATK" would take away the extra 2 ATK.
Hummm ok i guess i got it now
So if there was an atachment that said:
Gain 2 ATk
Exaust this card to avoid damage to the atached unit
The exausted atachment would still give 2 ATK but could no more avoid damage
Correct. (Although the "Exhaust this card to..." part would need to be worded in a way that gives more information to explain its timing.)
Check definitions of "Constant Effects" (RRG, p.5) and "Triggered Abilities" (RRG, p. 15) for further reference.