Forever Talisman (rules for organsied talisman play)

By Uvatha, in Talisman Home Brews

Forever Talisman

Advanced rules on Talisman setup and game play

Note on playing with Talisman expansions:

  • When playing forever talisman all talisman expansions have to be used (or open to be used) if owned.

  • All cards are shuffled into their corresponding decks no matter if their expansion board is being played with or not in the game.

  • If a talisman expansion is not owned then there is no chance it can be played (if rolled when randomising the game ignore the expansion).

  • When drawing a card that targets a space from an expansion not being played with the card drawn is ignored (and removed from game) and another is drawn in its place. The drawn card that is removed from game does not trigger any effects in game treat it as a non-card with no effect what so ever.

  • The “Light and Dark Fate” rules from the Woodlands expansion are always used even if the Woodlands expansion is being used or not in the game (even if not owned).

The expansions included before start game draws are:

  • The Base Game
  • Frostmarch
  • Reaper (without Reaper figure)
  • Sacred Pool
  • Bloodmoon
  • Firelands
  • Hidden Endings

The expansions that players can choose or randomise after character selection are:

  • The Dungeon
  • The Highlands
  • The City
  • The Woodlands
  • The Dragons
  • Bloodbath Rules
  • Revealed Endings
  • The Reaper figure

Character Selection:

Every player draws a number of character cards to pick a character from that equal the number of players playing the game. All character cards are chosen at the same time (the best method to do this is to make all players place their chosen character card face down until everyone has chosen their character) all discarded character cards that are not chosen are returned to the character card pile to be drawn if a players character dies (non-Bloodbath game).

Choosing or randomising expansions:

Once every player has their chosen character card players can freely choose what expansions they want to include in the talisman game this can be done anyway the players like or by randomising on 6 d6 dice roll for an extra random effect.

If the players choose to randomise the expansions in the game 6 dice are rolled with the results allowing what expansion is in the game.

6 dice result:

1 and 2 = The Highlands

2 and 3 = The Dungeon

3 and 4 = The City

4 and 5 = The Woodlands

1,3 and 5 = Revealed Endings instead of Hidden Endings

The Dragons and The Reaper figure are never a choice in a randomised expansion game. But players are free to make the game Bloodbath if they choose (better before random roll).

  • The City “At Night” rule: If The City expansion and the Bloodmoon expansion is used in the game then when it is night (on the time card from Bloodmoon) no character may choose to leave or enter The City region by any means.

Who has first turn:

All players then (if not done before) sit around the gaming area, then every player rolled 1d6 and the highest roll is the player that has the first turn (rolling off if the highest numbers are drawn until one player has the highest number on their die). That player goes first followed but the first player clockwise around gaming area no matter what die number they rolled.

Of course players are free to use any other “first turn” rules they want so long as all players agree otherwise the above rules are used.

Drawing Endings:

After the expansions have been determined Hidden Endings and or Revealed Endings are drawn with the following changes to their rules:

  • The Revealed Ending “Lightbearers” is removed from the deck when players are choosing a Revealed Ending.

  • If a Revealed Ending is drawn that requires an expansion then that expansion is added to play if not already and the Revealed Ending drawn is used.

The player who has the first turn (if not decided otherwise between players) draws the ending needed for play (still not looking at Hidden Ending when drawn of course).

Bloodbath Rules:

If all other players are killed the last player still has to complete the game. They do not with automatically.

Dying in Game:

When a player dies in game their Character card is not returned to the Character pool instead it is turned upside down under the new Character card drawn (non-bloodbath).

If at the end of game there is one other player (other than the winner) who has the least number of turned over character cards under their last Character they come second place in the game. If there are two or more players with the least amount of turned over character cards under their last Character then no-one becomes second place.

There is no second place in a two player game there is no second place in a Bloodbath game.

Timing Issues in Game:

Any special ability or effect that allow a player to use the special ability or effect at “anytime” or “anytime this round or turn” cannot interrupt another special ability or effect unless it says it can in its rules eg (counter spell)

Buying items (at shops) and healing or any other effect of spending gold for a gain is a buying effect in the game and thus cannot be interrupted unless the special ability or effect says it can see above.

Timing between players

Every chance has to be given to the player whose turn it is to allow them the opportunity to use any special ability or effect before another player can use a special ability or effect.

Special ability and effects between players out of their turns is first in first use given no other player can interrupt another special ability or effect unless written as such in the special ability or effect rules.

Spells are considered effects for the above purposes. Same goes with encountering cards or players and ditching cards.

Anything else people think should be added just comment and discuss.

Forever Talisman

Advanced rules on Talisman setup and game play

version 1.1

Note on playing with Talisman expansions:

  • When playing forever talisman all talisman expansions have to be used if owned.

  • All cards from each expansion are shuffled into their corresponding decks no matter if their expansion board is being played with or not in the game.

  • If a talisman expansion is not owned then there is no chance it can be played (if rolled when randomising the game ignore the expansion).

  • When drawing a card that targets a space (or a character in a space) from an expansion board not being played with the card drawn is ignored (and removed from game) and another is drawn in its place. The drawn card that is removed from game does not trigger any effects in game treat it as a non-card with no effect what so ever.

  • The “Light and Dark Fate” rules from the Woodlands expansion are always used even if the Woodlands expansion is being used or not in the game (even if not owned).

  • Forever talisman games are designed to play with as many players possible (six max) it can be played with less but it’s not advised.

The expansions included before start game draws are:

  • The Base Game
  • Frostmarch
  • Reaper (without Reaper figure)
  • Sacred Pool
  • Bloodmoon
  • Firelands
  • Nether Realm

The expansion boards and ending rules that players can randomise after character selection are:

  • The Dungeon
  • The Highlands
  • The City
  • The Woodlands
  • Revealed Endings instead of Hidden Endings

How to start a Forever Talisman Game:

The phases that are needed to be done to setup a forever talisman game are done in a strict order the order is set out as follows:

  1. Character Selection.
  2. Revealing Character
  3. Who has first turn.
  4. Expansion Included.
  5. Placing Miniature and taking tokens.
  6. Drawing Endings.

Character Selection: In order to play a forever talisman game players or game organiser has to decide on the amount of Character Cards players will draw and keep. This for the purposes of Character Selection this is called “Draw Points”

  • Choosing Draw Points: In order to have enough character cards for players to draw. You must first have equal to or more points in talisman expansions to your chosen Draw Point amount. The follows is how many points you receive per expansion:

The Base Game = 2 points.

Frostmarch, Reaper, Sacred Pool, Bloodmoon and

Firelands = 0.5 points each.

The Dungeon, The Highlands, The City, The Woodlands

and The Dragons = 1 point each.

  • Drawing and keeping Character Cards: Every player draws a number of character cards equal to the total Draw points chosen for this game. Each player then sorts all their character cards they drew in a pile “facedown”. The top character card being the character card the player will play first, the second will be the Character the player will play once their first dies, this continues until the player runs out of character cards in which they lose the game.

All character cards drew and sorted out this way (face down) are kept secret while facedown. Players are free to view their facedown character cards so long as they do not change their order that they choose at Character Selection.

Revealing Character: All players (if not done before) sit around the gaming area with their character pile, then they turn their top character card of their facedown character card pile over so all players can see what character they will be playing first in this game.

Who has first turn: Every player then rolls a die (1d6) and the highest roll is the player that has the first turn (rolling off drawn highest numbers until one player has the highest number on their die). That player goes first followed but the first player clockwise around gaming area no matter what die roll number they rolled.

Expansion Included: Once every player has their chosen their character cards the expansion boards are randomised on six dice (6d6). The player who goes first rolls the six dice.

the result is as follows.

6 dice result:

1 or a 2 = The Highlands

2 and a 3 = The Dungeon

3 And a 4= The City

4, and a 5= The Woodlands

1, 3 and a 5 = Revealed Endings instead of Hidden Endings

The Dragons expansion board and The Reaper figure are never a choice in a randomised expansion game.

Placing Miniature and taking tokens: Starting with the player who goes first then continuing clockwise around gaming table every player takes their Fate and Life tokens and gold and Spells, special tokens if they start with them and items etc, then their miniature is placed on their starting location. Then and only then does it then move to next player who does the entire same thing etc.

The only things not done in this order are:

  • The Spy: who waits until all players have put their miniature on their starting space then places his on one space with another Character.

Drawing Endings: After the expansions have been determined Hidden Endings and or Revealed Endings are drawn with the following changes to their rules:

  • Treat all normal Endings as Hidden Endings (except “War of Seasons” treat it as a Revealed Ending).

  • The Revealed Ending “Lightbearers” is removed from the deck when players are choosing a Revealed Ending.

  • If a Revealed Ending is drawn that requires an expansion then that expansion board is added to play if not already and the Revealed Ending drawn is used.

The player who has the first turn draws the ending needed for play (still not looking at Hidden Ending when drawn of course).

Crown of Command: Just like a normal talisman game if a player makes it to the crown of command if any player dies (no matter how many kept character cards they have left) they lose the game.

Last player alive: If all other players are killed the last player still has to complete the game. They do not win automatically.

Timing Issues in Game: Any special ability or effect that allow a player to use the special ability or effect at “anytime” or “anytime this round or turn” cannot interrupt another special ability or effect unless it says it can in its rules e.g. (counter spell).

Buying items (at shops) and healing or any other effect of spending gold for a gain is a buying effect in the game and thus cannot be interrupted unless the special ability or effect says it can see above.

Timing between players: Every chance has to be given to the player whose turn it is to allow them the opportunity to use any special ability or effect before another player can use a special ability or effect.

Special ability and effects between players out of their turns is first in first use given no other player can interrupt another special ability or effect unless written as such in the special ability or effect rules.

Spells are considered effects for the above purposes. Same goes with encountering cards or players and ditching cards.

Passing effects : Any effect that makes one player pass cards to another player may be done even if the player who gets the card has to ditch the card. Cards and tokens passed to Toads are treated just like if the character had the cards, tokens when transformed. Cards that become followers (but are not followers) can never be passed to another character.

Drawing effects: When drawing any card that refers to “Draw” is counted to be drawing and will trigger any effect keyed to “Draw” (e.g. Bloodmoon Time Card).

Losing Turns: When a player loses a turn they do not have a start of turn or a end of the turn. Moving Werewolf is allowed if losing a turn

Forgetting Effects: No taking back turns if an effect or ability is forgotten and its passes the phase in which it was meant to be done its effect is lost.

Burning Nether Cards: Cards from The Nether Realm can never be burnt.

Teleporting and Direction: If it’s needed a player chooses the direction they are moving when teleporting to a space.

Endings and Teleporting: If a player travels to the crown of command by teleporting and they encounter a ending in which they do not have the right cards to fulfil the ending they teleport to the portal of power instead.

Being a Werewolf and the Battle Royale ending: players on the Crown of Command and attacking each other ignore their Lycanthrope card effects.

Windlass is used for the headings and Caxton Lt is used for the main text! Using Windlass for everything is terrible!

Windlass is used for the headings and Caxton Lt is used for the main text! Using Windlass for everything is terrible!

Oh... Right'o' thanks :)

Forever Talisman

Advanced rules on Talisman setup and game play

version 1.2

Note on playing with Talisman expansions:

  • When playing forever talisman all talisman expansions have to be used if owned.

  • All cards from each expansion are shuffled into their corresponding decks no matter if their expansion board is being played with or not in the game.

  • If a talisman expansion is not owned then there is no chance it can be played (if rolled when randomising the game ignore the expansion).

  • When drawing a card that targets a space (or a character in a space) from an expansion board not being played with the card drawn is ignored (and removed from game) and another is drawn in its place. The drawn card that is removed from game does not trigger any effects in game treat it as a non-card with no effect what so ever.

  • The “Light and Dark Fate” rules from the Woodlands expansion are always used even if the Woodlands expansion is being used or not in the game (even if not owned).

  • Forever talisman games are designed to play with as many players possible (six max) it can be played with less but it’s not advised.

The expansions included before start game draws are:

  • The Base Game
  • Frostmarch
  • Reaper (without Reaper figure)
  • Sacred Pool
  • Bloodmoon
  • Firelands
  • Nether Realm

The expansion boards and ending rules that players can randomise after character selection are:

  • The Dungeon
  • The Highlands
  • The City
  • The Woodlands
  • Revealed Endings instead of Hidden Endings

How to start a Forever Talisman Game:

The phases that are needed to be done to setup a forever talisman game are done in a strict order the order is set out as follows:

  1. Character Selection.
  2. Revealing Character
  3. Who has first turn?
  4. Expansion Included.
  5. Placing Miniature and taking tokens.
  6. Drawing Endings.

Character Selection: In order to play a forever talisman game players or game organiser has to decide on the amount of Character Cards players will draw and keep. This for the purposes of Character Selection this is called “Draw Points”

  • Choosing Draw Points: In order to have enough character cards for players to draw. You must first have equal to or more points in talisman expansions to your chosen Draw Point amount. The follows is how many points you receive per expansion:

The Base Game = 2 points.

Frostmarch, Reaper, Sacred Pool, Bloodmoon and

Firelands = 0.5 points each.

The Dungeon, The Highlands, The City, The Woodlands

and The Dragons = 1 point each.

  • Drawing and keeping Character Cards: Every player draws a number of character cards equal to the total Draw points chosen for this game. Each player then sorts all their character cards they drew in a pile “facedown”. The top character card being the character card the player will play first, the second will be the Character the player will play once their first dies, this continues until the player runs out of character cards in which they lose the game.

All character cards drew and sorted out this way (face down) are kept secret while facedown. Players are free to view their facedown character cards so long as they do not change their order that they choose at Character Selection.

Revealing Character: All players (if not done before) sit around the gaming area with their character pile, then they turn their top character card of their facedown character card pile over so all players can see what character they will be playing first in this game.

Who has first turn?: Every player then rolls a die (1d6) and the highest roll is the player that has the first turn (rolling off drawn highest numbers until one player has the highest number on their die). That player goes first followed but the first player clockwise around gaming area no matter what die roll number they rolled.

Expansion Included: Once every player has their chosen their character cards the expansion boards are randomised on six dice (6d6). The player who goes first rolls the six dice.

The result is as follows.

6 dice result:

1 or a 2 = The Highlands

3 and a 4 = The Dungeon

4 And a 5= The City

5, and a 6= The Woodlands

Then the player who goes first rolls the three dice if the result ends in a double of any number you play with player Revealed Endings if no double was rolled the game starts with Hidden Endings.

The Dragons expansion board and The Reaper figure are never a choice in a randomised expansion game.

Placing Miniature and taking tokens: Starting with the player who goes first then continuing clockwise around gaming table every player takes their Fate and Life tokens and gold and Spells, special tokens if they start with them and items etc, then their miniature is placed on their starting location. Then and only then does it then move to next player who does the entire same thing etc.

The only things not done in this order are:

  • The Spy: who waits until all players have put their miniature on their starting space then places his on one space with another Character.

Drawing Endings: After the expansions have been determined Hidden Endings and or Revealed Endings are drawn with the following changes to their rules:

  • Treat all normal Endings as Hidden Endings (except “War of Seasons” treat it as a Revealed Ending).

  • The Revealed Ending “Lightbearers” is removed from the deck when players are choosing a Revealed Ending.

  • If a Revealed Ending is drawn that requires an expansion then that expansion board is added to play if not already and the Revealed Ending drawn is used.

The player who has the first turn draws the ending needed for play (still not looking at Hidden Ending when drawn of course).

Extra Ending rules: If a player travels to the crown of command by teleporting and they encounter an Ending and they do not have the right cards to fulfil the Ending they teleport to the portal of power instead.

Extra rules for some Endings:

Battle Royale: Players on the Crown of Command and attacking each other ignore their Lycanthrope card effects.

Dragon Slayers: Dragon Scales in a players playing area are not discarded when one of their characters dies also they are not discarded if their last character dies so in effect as soon as a player gains enough Dragon Scales from this Ending to make it impossible for another player to gain more than them they automatically win the game.

Other Rules:

Crown of Command: If any player makes it to the crown of command no player may play their next character card. Their current character is their last character.

Last player alive: If all other players are killed the last player still has to complete the game. They do not win automatically.

Timing Issues in Game: Any special ability or effect that allow a player to use the special ability or effect at “anytime” or “anytime this round or turn” cannot interrupt another special ability or effect unless it says it can in its rules e.g. (counter spell). Buying items (at shops) and healing or any other effect of spending gold for a gain is a buying effect in the game and thus cannot be interrupted unless the special ability or effect says it can see above.

Timing between players: Every chance has to be given to the player whose turn it is to allow them the opportunity to use any special ability or effect before another player can use a special ability or effect. Special ability and effects between players out of their turns is first in first use given no other player can interrupt another special ability or effect unless written as such in the special ability or effect rules. Spells are considered effects for the above purposes. Same goes with encountering cards or players and ditching cards.

Passing effects: Any effect that makes one player pass cards to another player may be done even if the player who gets the card has to ditch the card. Cards and tokens passed to Toads are treated just like if the character had the cards, tokens when transformed. Cards that become followers (but are not followers) can never be passed to another character.

Losing Turns: When a player loses a turn they do not have a start of turn or a end of the turn. Moving Werewolf is allowed if losing a turn

Forgetting Effects: No taking back turns if an effect or ability is forgotten and its passes the phase in which it was meant to be done its effect is lost.

Burning Nether Cards: Cards from The Nether Realm can never be burnt.

Teleporting and Direction: If it’s needed a player chooses the direction they are moving when teleporting to a space.

Terrain card on Warlocks Cave: Quests can be completed if the Warlocks Cave has a Terrain card on the space but no Talisman or Quest Reward is given (or any other reward either).

Drawing and Revealing Cards: Effects that trigger when a card is “Drawn” or “Revealed” trigger as soon as the card is taken from its deck and flipped to see what the card is. For the purposes of play each card is taken from its deck and flipped one at a time until all cards are taken (or allowed to be taken) then all cards are encountered as normal.


Hope that's better :) .