House Rules Home World: Schola Progenium

By Moonshine Fox, in Dark Heresy House Rules

Schola Progenium

The Schola Progenium takes children whose parents have perished in the service of the Emperor, from daughters of Imperial Officers killed on the battlefield, to sons of administrators lost in the far reaches of Imperial space, and trains them to become the backbone of Imperial society. These orphans often go far, claiming command positions in whatever part of Imperial society they end up in, even inside the Inquisition.

Schola Progenium Rules

A Schola Progenium character applies the

following benefits during character creation:

Characteristic modifiers

+ Influence, + Intelligence, – Perception

Those orphans of the Schola Progenium are trained heavily in both body and mind, but are sometimes unable to see beyond the obvious.

Fate threshold

3 (Emperor’s Blessing 5+)

Home World Bonus

Tempered Will : Whenever you take a Willpower test, you never suffered a penalty of more then -20 to the roll. This does not apply to focus power tests.

Home World Aptitude



A Mind Cleansed character starts with 8+1d5 wounds.

Recommended Backgrounds

Adeptus Administratum, Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Ministorum, Imperial Guard